Sunday, December 11, 2022

Funny yard sign I saw and red Autumn leaves in December

 In these preChristmas days let me share some photos of pretty red leaves. It seems autumn leaves have arrived here in coastal California in December.

The above photos were all taken in our church parking lot in December.
Here is a sign I thought was humorous in a dark way. See if you think it is funny too, or can you guess why I thought it funny or ironic. I saw this whilst walking Bounce. The sign says "Please keep your dog off our LAWN."

I thought the sign was ironic because I do not see a lawn and there is not one blade of grass growing there. It is all dirt and weeds. Keep your dog off of our yard or Keep your dog off of our dirt might be more accurate. That would show the home owners have a sense of humor to laugh at themselves. Well, that's me and my sometimes dark sense of humor. And yes, I did keep Bounce off of their dirt.


Sandi said...

Beautiful red leaves!

I like their optimism about the yard. 😄

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

The sign is funny. The yard looks like a dog dug it up already.
Lovely leaf pictures.

Tom said...

Hmmm, maybe their "lawn" needs a little more "fertilizer."

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That's a good sign, LOL!

DawnTreader said...

Gorgeous autumn leaves - although for me (living in Sweden) that much colour in nature seems all wrong for the time of year...! ;)

Tabor said...

I see where you will be getting some winter big time in the coming days. If you get that snow, let us blog readers know.

Marie Smith said...

The red leaves are so pretty. Rather like Christmas for sure!

Christine said...

Pretty leaves and ironic sign

Granny Marigold said...

Lovely leaves. Ours are all brown and smushed under last week's snow ( which is now grey, not white). Funny sign, considering the lack of lawn!! Granny Marigold

Mari said...

Such pretty colors!
I am wondering why they care about dogs on the yard, with no grass!

dori said...

Really: Keep your dog off of our yard or Keep your dog off of our dirt!!! Not a fine place for dear Bounce to make his sign! :))

Red leaves: Marvellous! Like Christmas-Stars!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

LOL. Love the sign and their enthusiasm for their lawn. Funny. The red leaves are truly lovely. We don't get many of those in Florida. Enjoy your lovely fall/almost winter days!! Merry Christmas!

HappyK said...

Beautiful red leaves any time of year. :)

Henny Penny said...

Those red leaves in December are beautiful! Some of the prettiest I seen. That yard! Yes, the sign is funny. A dog in the yard might help the looks of that yard. :)

Kathy said...

Those leaves look like the trees I see in my backyard. Funny to have colorful leaves in December. I expect the trees to be bare.

Margaret D said...

The autumn leaves are very nice, beautiful colours.
Does look a bit odd that sign being there.

Ann said...

Beautiful color on those tress.
That sign is pretty funny considering what the yard looks like.

Michelle said...

Those leaves are beautiful and I can't believe they are still around!

NanaDiana said...

LOL- Love the are right---what yard? It makes me wonder though why people let their dogs go potty on other people's lawns (or dirt or yard). lol. Love the leaves -ours are long gone. xo Diana

Linda said...

Your leaves are gorgeous!!!
And YES! That was an ironic sign, all right!!!

meandmysmallcorner said...

Beautful coloured leaves in December

baili said...

Oh dear Terra your autumn colors from the church parking are enchanting! Gorgeous wow

Hahaha I share your humor here my friend 😊

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks for your recent visit and comment on my blog, much appreciated. I really enjoy looking for the humor and irony in things around us and the sign definitely fits that category! The red leaves are perfect for this holiday season, thanks for Mother Nature.

Debbie said...

beautiful bold autumn colors!! i see a lot of signs like that in this area. i have thought about getting one because many dog walkers allow their dog to use my lawn as a potty. right where i plant my flowers by the street!!

My Shasta Home said...

I’m thinking it’s an old sign - plus there are so many people who do not pick up after their dogs.

Thanks for commenting on my blog. I see you’re from Santa Cruz. I grew up in Pacifica. My sister lived in Watsonville and our good friends live in Prunedale and my husband lived in Moss Beach as a teen. Small world.

Pretty leaves. I’m up in Shasta County and we’ve finally lost all our Fall color which the recent cold snap. It was 28 degrees this morning. With the snow on the mountains, it’s really starting to look a lot like Christmas. God bless and Merry Christmas

magiceye said...

Beautiful shades of red!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

It does not look inviting anyway! The trees are beautiful, though. Hope you have a lovely Christmas and blessings in the New Year. x