Saturday, December 31, 2022

2023 and I am mentoring a new Christian

 Happy 2023 Friends.

What a ride of ups and downs and in betweens these past few years have been. I hope 2023 will be filled with blessings and an increase in our freedoms worldwide. I am praying for big things because there is no prayer that is too big for our God.
I like to do new things and hope it keeps me young(ish). In November I began mentoring a lady who is 72 and a new Christian and member of our church. We are both learning so much and having fun at the same time. 

I bought a book "The New Believer's Friend Handbook" for me and for her "The New Believer's Handbook". This book has 8 lessons for 8 weeks and we both love it. We meet at my house and I serve a light lunch, food for the body and food for the soul.
Below is a photo that makes me smile. I do love lions, they remind me of the noble Aslan from the Chronicles of Narnia.


Latane Barton said...

There's so much joy and wisdom that an older person has to offer. I am sure you are enjoying your time with her.

Wanda said...

I can think of no better calling that to mentor a new Christian. What a privilege to share with an older lady, but new in the Lord. The 8 lessons should be very helpful, and how fun to get together each week, and learn together.
Years ago, before we retired, I spent almost a year mentoring a neighbor. We went though the book by Linda Dillow, Calm My Anxious Heart. It was a joy of my life to do that.

God bless you for using your gift and sharing with this dear lady.

Frugally challenged said...

That sounds a k
lovely thing to do. Happy 2023

Betsy said...

How wonderful of you to take your time to teach and lead your new friend and our sister in Christ all about the life of a Christian. And the photo is perfect for the times we're now living in.

Granny Marigold said...

Happy and Blessed New Year to you!

My Shasta Home said...

That is so nice to hear and what fun. Happy New Year!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Best wishes for 2023!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Wishing you many blessings for the new year.

Ann said...

Happy New Year

David C Brown said...

Have grace in what you're doing. Grace be with you.

meandmysmallcorner said...

God bless you and your new Christian friend in 2023 xx

Dee said...

Dear Terra, having someone to learn with and share with and eat with is such a blessing. Peace and Happy 2023 from Dee and the cats.

R's Rue said...

Blessings my friend.

Liz Hinds said...

What a great adventure you are both undertaking!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a wonderful thing you are doing!!!

Carla from The River said...

What a blessing to be able to do this and such GOOD NEWS. God is NOT dead, people are still searching and learning.
I like your last quote, so true for these times.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

What a blessing to be able to learn and grow in the Lord together! So amazing that at 72 she found Jesus, hallelujah! My heart rejoices to know that she not only has found the Lord but has someone like you to mentor and encourage her! Bless you for doing this, and sharing the bounty of your heart and home, and building up the kingdom of the Lord!

Chatty Crone said...

Happy New Year to you too. That is so wonderful you are mentoring a new Christian at age 72. We need all the Christians we can gather these days. I feel the world is getting a little off.