Monday, January 20, 2025


 I am feeling down friends. Two of my best friends died suddenly recently, Pam on November 10 and AudreyRose on January 10. These friends lived in town so we enjoyed meeting for coffee and as sisters in Christ. I am stunned. They were each 72 and did not have life threatening conditions. How do we pick ourselves up after these sad events?


I was just coming to grips with Pam's death when AudreyRose died. Her other friend went to Audrey's home to pick her up and take her to lunch and found her dead. I met these women in church. AudreyRose asked me to be her Christian mentor as she was a new Christian, and we got to know each other well as we met at my home for coffee and Bible study and laughter. Each of them was a person who loved to give and helped others because of their love for Christ. We were fun loving and laughed a lot.

Here is an answer to the question I asked, how do we come to grips with loss and sadness: Jesus says Focus on Me, not the storm. One happy thought is that Pam and AudreyRose are happily chatting in heaven. Love and peace to you all. You are each a treasure to me.


Sunday, December 22, 2024

Merry Christmas to All

 Merry Christmas Friends. Isn't Snoopy the cutest?

The reason for the season is God's promise to us with the birth of Christ. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but shall have eternal life.


Our Nutcrackers. I have seen the Nutcracker Ballet quite a few times. I purchased the red Nutcracker on the left below at one of the performances to benefit the ballet company. 

A lady who attended Bible study with me made these and gave one to each of us. She was in a retirement home and made them in her room or apartment there. Her daughter was in a group that played Hawaiian songs and the group visited nursing homes, and she would go with the group and give these cute birds to the residents of the nursing homes.

Below is the nativity set we have had for many decades. I made the stable of rough wood. Once when we moved Mary got left behind. So I found a new Mary, she fits in beautifully, in her blue robes.

 Here are some joyful song lyrics to "Oh Come All Ye Faithful". 

Oh come all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant, O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem;

Come and behold Him, born the King of Angels;

O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him,

Christ the Lord.

Years ago my college roommate and I visited Jerusalem and we hired a taxi to drive us to Bethlehem. We did not stop there but saw it. We spent a couple days exploring Jerusalem and Jericho and surrounding areas. Have a blessed Christmas one and all.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Puppets and Lights, Child Delivers Christmas Tree, and Vera Wong Mystery Novel


I took this photo of my living room wall. The swirling lights only appeared for a few moments and only one time. I had my phone camera nearby. My son said the lights look like Jesus' thorns. I had not seen that but they do. If you click on the photo to enlarge it, the puppets appear to be floating.

I enjoyed this book "Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers" by Jesse G. Sutanto. It is set in San Francisco's China Town today, when Vera discovers a dead body in her old tea shop that has almost no customers. Vera is energized to solve the murder and has a humorous take on life. She is about 64 and considered old, but I am lots older than her!

And a child delivering a child sized Christmas tree. We'd best get ready for Christmas friends. I am writing Christmas cards, ordering and wrapping gifts and I attended church last Friday night for hymn singing and fun for little kids and a candle light service. This year I learned of a political prisoner in another country and mailed him a Christmas card to the prison. Many countries have political prisoners, sad to say. I like to spread light and joy especially at this time of year.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving

 Hello friends world wide. I hope all of you have a great day. Today in the USA we celebrate Thanksgiving. Family and friends gather for a feast and fellowship. This photo seems Thanksgiving-y to me, perhaps it is because it is nostalgic.

One thing I have been appreciating this year is the beauty of the sky and the ever changing clouds. 

"The Heavens declare the glory of God." Psalm 19:1

Can you see the kite someone was flying near my house? I hope you enjoy your day. Mine features my sons and I and our pup Bounce at my house and a 15 pound organic turkey and lots of other goodies.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

My little dragon friend, coffee shop gardens and portrait of me

 Let me take a look at my photos and find some to share here.

The gardens at my favorite coffee shop. Well, my only coffee shop. I like independent shops and never go to Starbucks where they insert politics into their business. Plus I love to sit outside and relax and chat with friends. Do you see the two benches?

Can you see the little dragon? He was across the street from my house and a block away for several months. Then one day he was gone. I hope the sculptor moved him or he flew away on his own. I always look for my cute little dragon. Maybe he flew to your house, have you seen him?

Above is a portrait of me that my blog friend Diane had made for me as a surprise gift. Diane is wonderful and lives across the ocean from me in the Philippines. Each of you blog friends is unique and talented and I enjoy visiting you here in blogland.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Strange sea creatures, Mystery house and George Washington


Who knows what these prehistoric seeming sea creatures are? I gathered them on a beach in Florida 60 years ago. I will put the answer at the end of this post. 

A few more shells found on the beach on Sanibel Island on a camping trip with my family.

Above and below a mystery house near my home. Mr. B and I walked past it at sunset and I took these photos. "The heavens declare the glory of God."

Our American hero and first President, George Washington. People asked him to become king and he said no, he agreed to become President. I am praying for the USA and for all of the other countries struggling now. Right now the governor of California signed a law limiting freedom of speech and making it illegal to post comic AI generated political memes. That is a slippery slope, he is against free speech he doesn't like. Free speech is under attack worldwide and we aim to defend it.

The sea creatures are Horseshoe Crabs. Many of you already knew that. I love how they look.