That is so cute, every day is love your pet day at our houses, right?Hudson Taylor, what a great man, he felt called to go on mission to China in 1853. A poor man, he dared to go all the way to China to bring Christ to the people there. Taylor's journey from England to China took almost six months. Imagine the harsh conditions on the small ship. He had many adventures and soon learned to dress in Chinese attire so people would stop and listen to him. He faced robbers and violence. He learned Chinese so he could preach and talk with the people. His memoir was originally titled "To China With Love", showing how much he loved the Chinese people.
Last but not least, a fun cartoon for all of us old ladies and gentlemen. You youngsters may attain this one day too.
I loved reading about Hudson Taylor.
We are at a time in our lives where we have not pets. However, we have a big grey cat that has decided to sleep in our patio chairs on the balcony. Comes at night, and leaves in the morning. He has come long enough to be a regular, so I've named him Earl Grey!! I enjoyed your post, and always loved Hudson Taylor story. I will join the club of Crazy Old Lady..We'll rock together..haha
We are loving the grand-dog this weekend. Lots of fun!
Love the meme!
Hudson Taylor was an amazing person.
Rosie was front and center in my post yesterday and I didn't even know it was love your pet day. I'm sure when people see me walking in my neighborhood, muttering and cussing under my breath about all the trash everywhere, they probably think I'm a crazy old lady. So be it. :)
You are killing it! All of us unexpectedly crazy old ladies are killing it!
Gibbs would agree that every day is love your pet day. And he does love me every day
I have never heard of Hudson Taylor. Interesting.
Your donkey meme is so cute....I feel the same way and I know my friends think the same thing about What a huge step out in Faith that this man had. Wishing you an awesome weekend...
We no longer have any pets, but I do love cats and dogs. And I'm now a crazy old lady, officially and unabashedly - LOL! Blessings, Terra!
The donkey seems mighty happy!
I had a great felt storybook of Hudson Taylor that I used in teaching Sunday School long years ago. And I love being a crazy little old lady , too!
Hello Terra: Love this post, I love my two dogs like they are my children, we do not have children but two dogs that think they are.
Thank-you for sharing about Hudson Taylor, I will be looking this up, I love reading about interesting people.
I have been a crazy lady all my life, it makes people smile and wonder what else I will come up with.
That would be an interesting book to read. I had a great Aunt who was a missionary in China and also learnt to read and write and speak Chinese. Not sure if it was Mandarin or Cantanese. She was interred in Japanese prisoner of war camps during WWII.
Still going strong.
Every ass had to be redeemed.
To be as happy as that donkey would be nice
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