I am feeling down friends. Two of my best friends died suddenly recently, Pam on November 10 and AudreyRose on January 10. These friends lived in town so we enjoyed meeting for coffee and as sisters in Christ. I am stunned. They were each 72 and did not have life threatening conditions. How do we pick ourselves up after these sad events?
I was just coming to grips with Pam's death when AudreyRose died. Her other friend went to Audrey's home to pick her up and take her to lunch and found her dead. I met these women in church. AudreyRose asked me to be her Christian mentor as she was a new Christian, and we got to know each other well as we met at my home for coffee and Bible study and laughter. Each of them was a person who loved to give and helped others because of their love for Christ. We were fun loving and laughed a lot.
Here is an answer to the question I asked, how do we come to grips with loss and sadness: Jesus says Focus on Me, not the storm. One happy thought is that Pam and AudreyRose are happily chatting in heaven. Love and peace to you all. You are each a treasure to me.
Jan. 23 2025 I read through your many kind thoughtful comments and each one touched my heart and gave me a smile. It is helpful to share sadness and get "hugs" from each of you via your comments.
Praying for you. It is always hard to let go.
I'm sorry! I also lost a friend right before Christmas. She was also 72. They found cancerous lesions on her brain and 3 weeks later she was gone. It's hard, but you are right - we need to focus on Christ. My friend was also a Christian so I know where she is.
so very sorry for your losses.
I'm so sorry about your two lost beloved friends You had found a new Christfriend and had good plans for coming together in church and for some coffee. Tears will change into diamants. Jesus is the victim over death. He will give you the right energy to feel in contact with our aim: heaven ❤️ Many greetings and blessings to you and hugs from Dori from the Bavarian Forest ❤️
Death is hard. Sending prayers your way.
I’m sorry. It’s hard when our friends pass. Thank God they knew their God and you can find comfort that you will see them again. 🌹
So sorry for your sudden losses life is unpredictable.
Prayers for you. They are with the son of God, the Prince of Peace. May God give you peace and comfort at this time. Hugs.
I'm so sorry for your losses. It's so hard to lose friends and relatives but I'm glad you have the knowledge that they were believers in our Lord and are now together in Heaven. Another blog friend lost her 9 year old grandson in a house fire last night. Her name is Cindy and would you pray for her too? She is also a believer and it gives great comfort to know that we love each other and support each other in times of need and grief.
Blessings and hugs,
That's really tough for you, Terra. Praying for you.
So very sorry for your losses. It is truly heartbreaking when someone dies so suddenly. I guess it is a blessing that Audrey's friend had lunch plans with her and found her. There are terrible of stories of people dying and not being discovered for days or weeks. Just awful. Sure is hard to come to grips with unexpected loss. We never know when it is our time. A reminder to cherish each moment, each day. Take care. Hugs and blessing, Tammy
So sorry to read the sad news. May they RIP.
I just had a friend who passed on the last day of December and did so in her sleep.
You take care.
It is hard to lose someone you care about. I like to think that aren't truly gone. They watch over us and keep us safe and are there to listen when we need to talk to them.
The loss of anyone we so dearly love is heartbreaking, Terra. Yet, I know you will focus on Jesus to help you through these sad times. God bless!
Good to see you posting, Terra. It struck me the other day that I hadn't seen you posting yet in the new year. Yesterday I wrote "postcard letter" to you, which I went out to post this afternoon. And when I got back, one from you was waiting in my post box!! :) Sorry about your friends - and losing both of them only two months apart must be especially hard. I have two "memorial days" coming up next week, one friend who died in 2023 and one in 2024. Neither of them living in my town, but I still miss them both a lot, each in their own way.
So sad. May you come to grips with it and find the peace that passes understanding. But also give yourself time to grieve.
You have been blessed to have met them in the first place. Still, you will miss them. May God comfort you. As Christians they are in heaven, the best place of all.
I'm so very sorry, Terra.
I am so sorry for your losses. I am feeling your pain. On Christmas Day morning, I found my brother deceased. He suffered a massive heart attack. I find myself grieving very deeply. Unexpected losses are very hard. My prayers for you as you grieve for your friends. Hugs
I am so sorry you lost two friends so close together. That's hard.....Prayers for comfort to your soul...
It's so very, very hard to lose friends at any age-but especially in our 70s because it hits so close to home. We have lost several friends in the last few years and it is always a blow. Hugs & Prayers- Diana
So very sorry for your loss, but knowing they are rejoicing in heaven helps bear the grief and loss. How wonderful you were able to be a mentor.
Terra, I'm so sorry about the loss of your friends. Friends mean a lot and seem to mean even more as we age...
For me the best way to deal with grief is to remember the loved ones we lost. They brought joy to our lives. That should not be forgotten.
My heart breaks for you. It is sad to lose people we are close to and have made a difference in our lives. I'm praying you are able to hold on to precious memories of your sweet friends.
I'm really sorry, Terra. May you find peace and comfort. xx
Terra, I'm so sorry to hear about your two dear friend's passing away. May God comfort you during this time of grief. I also wanted to know if you're Ok with the fires down south? They are terrible, and the girls aren't too far away from them. So scary. Thinking of you today, Terra.
Oh Terra, I'm so sorry, I keep thinking you live in So Cal, but forgot that you live elsewhere. Take care, my friend.
Heart-felt condolences on the loss of your friends.
Hello terra: It is sad to lose a friend or family member, but just think of their reward, they are now having the time of their lives, how wonderful that they are true believers in God and all his Graces.
Oh this feels heartbreaking indeed to see friends gone one after another dear Terra!!!
I am sorry from the bottom of my heart!
I am witnessing as well that having serious health conditions is not necessary when time comes .
I hope that you will keep both of them in your heart forever and they will not be able to forget you as wonderful and kind friend wherever they are ❤️
Sending you love and hugs, dear Terra. Goodbyes are so very hard, but what a reunion there will be one day!
I am so very sorry for the loss of two of your friends so close together. Thank you for your message about where our focus needs to be when life is especially hard and we don't have the answers. Praying for you to walk through this stormy situation with Jesus holding your hand x
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