Wednesday, October 16, 2024

My little dragon friend, coffee shop gardens and portrait of me

 Let me take a look at my photos and find some to share here.

The gardens at my favorite coffee shop. Well, my only coffee shop. I like independent shops and never go to Starbucks where they insert politics into their business. Plus I love to sit outside and relax and chat with friends. Do you see the two benches?

Can you see the little dragon? He was across the street from my house and a block away for several months. Then one day he was gone. I hope the sculptor moved him or he flew away on his own. I always look for my cute little dragon. Maybe he flew to your house, have you seen him?

Above is a portrait of me that my blog friend Diane had made for me as a surprise gift. Diane is wonderful and lives across the ocean from me in the Philippines. Each of you blog friends is unique and talented and I enjoy visiting you here in blogland.

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