Saturday, September 21, 2024

Strange sea creatures, Mystery house and George Washington


Who knows what these prehistoric seeming sea creatures are? I gathered them on a beach in Florida 60 years ago. I will put the answer at the end of this post. 

A few more shells found on the beach on Sanibel Island on a camping trip with my family.

Above and below a mystery house near my home. Mr. B and I walked past it at sunset and I took these photos. "The heavens declare the glory of God."

Our American hero and first President, George Washington. People asked him to become king and he said no, he agreed to become President. I am praying for the USA and for all of the other countries struggling now. Right now the governor of California signed a law limiting freedom of speech and limiting posting comic memes. Free speech is under attack worldwide and we aim to defend it.

The sea creatures are Horseshoe Crabs. Many of you already knew that. I love how they look.

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