Saturday, September 23, 2023

Homicide Hills, The Undertaker: 2 European TV Shows, and New Dog Welcome Mat


 My cheery new dog welcome mat for in front of my front door gives people smiles when they visit me. This is my new attempt to post this, earlier it insisted on posting with the date Sept. 1, I don't know why. Two people quickly commented but their comments show on the Sept. 1 post (in case they come back and don't see their comments).

Some photos from two European TV shows I enjoy watching. The above is a screen shot I took from a delightful German TV series and shows the detective in her red convertible stuck behind a flock of sheep. She is a big city detective sent to the country in the Eifel Mountains to work. This show is all about a great and eccentric cast of local people. Her small crew of police often sit around the office bored to tears and hoping for a crime. Once in a while even a murder occurs and they are excited to try to solve it. Often the crime is on the lines of a missing bunny. I watch this on Hulu, 58 episodes.

 The above three photos are from the TV series The Undertaker and this is very character driven too, with the main character in the last photo being the undertaker who always gets drawn into solving crimes. The young man in the goth black suit and ruffled shirt mode plays Fabio who turns out to be a gifted addition to the staffing of the mortuary, and who is kind and creative with people. This is set in a small town in Switzerland. The main character is played by Mike Muller, a soulful actor who plays the overweight, grumpy and sometimes romantic lead. The first two photos show Fabio played by Reto Stalder, quite the handsome young man. I watch this on MHz Choice. 40 episodes.


Wanda said...

LOVE your new Doggy Mat. So cute and so welcoming!

How fun to see the TV Series you watch. They both sound like something I would watch, but not my hubby.

We've been watching old TV series Man From Snowy River, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman and Young Riders about the beginnings of the Pony Express.

Nothing on "todays" TV that interests me. Too wordly for my taste.

Miss Merry said...

I love mystery shows set in small towns and villages with a cast of characters that repeat in each episode. I will have to look for these. Your dog mat is delightful. I bet everyone on your doorstep is smiling.

Miss Merry said...

I love mystery shows set in small towns and villages with a cast of characters that repeat in each episode. I will have to look for these. Your dog mat is delightful. I bet everyone on your doorstep is smiling.

Betsy said...

That's a very cute welcome mat. Both of those shows look like something we would like to watch together but unfortunately don't have access to either one.

Betsy said...

Homicide hills series sounds great and one I would want to watch. I must see if I can get it. I finished the series of Doc Martin some time back. Midsomer murders, I am watching reruns. Broken wood is good too filmed in New Zealand.
The welcome mat is adorable! It's a happy greeting.

Margaret D said...

Love your doormat.
Well you have been busy watching a couple of series, and it's a good feeling to come across series that are good and want to keep watching.

Ann said...

The door mat is really cute.

baili said...

i liked your well come dog mat dear Terra :)

intriguing images form shows ,i enjoy a lot German shows on Netflix ,very intelligent they are
blessings and hugs

Sam said...

Love the new mat.

Both those shows look like fun. We really live in a world that offers almost too much choice, if that's possible. I especially enjoy watching television series from countries that speak languages other than English, but I have to be feeling energetic enough to keep up with the captions. :-) That German one sounds like one I need to find on Hulu, but I'm not familiar with the other service you mention.

Rian said...

Tried to find Homicide Hills and The Undertaker... both looked interesting, but were not streaming free.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

I don't watch much TV these days but when I do, a good mystery drama or series fits the bill for me. Lovely doggy mat and I'm glad it makes your visitors smile.
B x

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Those shows sounds interesting to watch. I will keep a look out for them. I thought at first the photo is an ad for rice puff cereal. lol

Haddock said...

Must have a look at The Undertaker.

Katie Isabella said...

How delightful to hear from you over at my blog! And I enjoyed the snaps from the TV show you are watching. I rarely watch anything but the two things I stream, anymore. Hate the politics and wokeness. So why watch, I always say.

Tabor said...

Have promised myself not to subscribe to any more streaming services, but do wish I could watch these. They look good!

magiceye said...

The welcome mat is so cute!

diamondc said...

Hi Terra: I like many British shows the older ones are my favorite.
I will start following you.


Britta said...

Dear Terra, I was so surprised to see the photo of the sheep flog and the red car among it, and thought: "Well - that is a scene some filmmaker nicked from "Mord mit Aussicht" - and only then by reading your post I found out that you watch and enjoy that series!
It is my absolute favourite (and I have written about more than 100 British detective series) - this light and funny German one is oh so good that I gave it as a present to many friends. So great that you love it too!

Christine said...

Adorable mat!