Tuesday, May 30, 2023

White flowers and pot and cross from Mexico

My recently planted Calibrochea plant in a new pot on my patio.


 I also bought a lavender color Calibrochea which I planted in a blue ceramic pot today. I like the flower pots like the one in these photos, that are flat on the back with a hole for them to hang on a nail on a fence or wall, plus the important hole in the bottom for drainage.


Margaret D said...

That is a pretty plant with lovely flowers.
We don't seem to have those type of pots here.

Debra She Who Seeks said...


Mari said...

I've never heard of that plant, but it's pretty!

My Shasta Home said...

Very nice. I love pretty pots but sometimes my budget doesn't.

dori said...

A wonderful composition of the coloured handmade Cross and the white flowres in the nice pot. Congratulation for this smart gem on your terrasse!

Betsy said...

The cross and the pot are so pretty and so is the flower. I Love lavender and blue together. Also lavender and yellow. I hope you're having lovely weather.
Blessings and hugs,

Wanda said...

That is so lovely Terra, I like the Mexican cross. The white flowers really look perfect!

Mona McGinnis said...

Oh, that kind of pot from Mexico!

Christine said...


Susan said...

Hi Terra.....Lovely little flowers in pots and the cross is beautiful, too. Thanks so much for stopping by Writing Straight from the Heart. It's always such a pleasure to see that you have stopped by. Have a wonderful Sunday. Hugs. Susan

meandmysmallcorner said...

Very pretty white flowering plant to hang on the wall.

Carla from The River said...

I love the display. The cross is beautiful.

Susan Kane said...

Lovely plant. Makes me want to head to Lowe's or Home Depot just to look around. Right?