Saturday, May 13, 2023

Happy Mothers Day to All


Happy Mothers Day to All Moms, here and in Heaven. Also to all those who have acted as moms by nurturing young people in many ways including being teachers.
This photo is of my mom and dad and little me.
I can not imagine a better mom or dad than the two I was given.
I believe we will meet again in Heaven one day as Jesus promises to all who love Him. My mom died too young, at the age of 54.

The Watcher - Mother
She always leaned to watch for us,
Anxious if we were late,
In winter by the window,
In summer by the gate;

And though we mocked her tenderly,
Who had such foolish care,
The long way home would seem more safe,
Because she waited there.

Her thoughts were all so full of us -
She never could forget!
And so I think that where she is,
She must be watching yet,

Waiting til we come home to her,
Anxious if we are late -
Watching from heaven's window,
Leaning from heaven's gate.
                by Margaret Widdemer


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Enjoy Mothers Day!

Kathy said...

What a beautiful poem. Love the picture of little you with your parents. You are truly blessed to have godly parents.

Margaret D said...

That is lovely, yes, your dear mum was far too young.

Cynthia said...

What a wonderful photo! Happy Mothers Day!

Mari said...

What a sweet poem. Happy Mothers Day!

Rian said...

Happy Mother's Day Terra!

My Shasta Home said...

What a precious photo of your mom and dad with you. Happy Mothers Day.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Very sweet picture of you with your parents. You can tell they were very proud of you!! Yes, I do believe our mothers are still watching over us in some way...maybe calling on the angels to hurry up and help us when we get into trouble...I don't know...but someday we will understand it all better. I do hope that you had a sweet and special Mother's Day today. (((hugs)))

Wanda said...

Beautiful poem, and so very true. I had a wonderful mom, I posted a tribute to her on my blog. Thankful every day for her life example for me. She passed at 79, my Dad was 54.

Susan Kane said...

Sweet tribute to your wonderful mother!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Happy Mother's Day 💐

meandmysmallcorner said...

Glad your heart monitor showed things were fine with your heart.
A lovely picture of you and your parents. God bless x

DawnTreader said...

Lovely family photo!

baili said...

happy mothers day dear Terra !

thanks for lovely poem ,each word so true beaded with her divine love for her children

Latane Barton said...

That picture is a precious one. I can tell they were the best parents ever. My heart aches that you lost your Mom so early. Hugs.

Nancy Chan said...

That is a beautiful family picture. Happy belated Mother's Day.