Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Clematis in February, Surfer Statue, Zoom Friends, Encouraging My Friend


This Clematis surprised me with its early blooms the first week of February. The flowers are about 2 inches across and have a light sweet fragrance, and this variety is Apple Blossom. They are a vine and keep their leaves. I planted it in summer of 2017 and it bloomed in February 2018, reaching the top of my six foot tall fence in those six months.

 The surfer statue across the street from my favorite coffee shop. I was at the coffee shop twice this week meeting a  different friend each time. One of them describes herself as a shut in because of her fear of covid, and she rarely leaves her house. So we had a great chat, sitting outside in the sun. It was a big step for her to venture out, and I think this encourages her to get out more. I invited her to meet our two mutual friends for lunch in a restaurant in March where there is outdoor seating and she put it on her calendar. Baby steps.

The front of the church where the coffee shop is; I like the clean architectural detail and line in my photo. This week we had our Zoom meeting, three of us have been friends for about 20 years; we met at work and are now all retired. We chat on Zoom twice a month and spend an hour catching up and meet in person quite often for lunch, next scheduled lunch is for my birthday. How is your February going?


Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

The clementis arr beautiful. I hope your friend does get out more. Stress how it helps to have a strong system.
February! I could wear sandals it has been so warm. I expected an early Spring, but not this early.

Henny Penny said...

The Clematis is beautiful and looks like it would be a sweet smelling flower, like the flower caalled "the first breath of spring", at least that's what my Mother called it.

My Shasta Home said...

I feel so awful for your friend who still suffers from fear of covid. I have a friend who is still afraid as well. I pray the love of Christ will envelop her and the fear will be washed away.

Ann said...

The Clematis is beautiful.
Nice to get out and meet friends. That's great that you still get together with old work friends.

Mari said...

The clematis is so pretty! It really does resemble an apple blossom.
It was good of you to get out with your friend. I'm sure it was a blessing to her.

dori said...

Beautiful Clematis!

Fine to meet good pople and friends....

My February today is a sad saying good-buy to my dear cat Foxi..

Many greetings from Dori from the Bavarian Forest, snowy

Linda said...

It's been a gentle month so far. Lots of medical things going on but there's been a nice slow rhythm to our days. We hope to go to the ranch this weekend. Sherry and I want to check on our bees.
February seems to be a 'waiting' month to me for some reason....
Love hearing what YOU have been up to!

Betsy said...

Beautiful clematis. I think it's wonderful to have flowers in February. How nice of you to be able to meet outside with your friend. We avoided covid all this time and then caught it in December from my sister. I don't think there is any way to completely avoid it anymore. I hope your friend overcomes her fear by Gods grace.

Margaret D said...

It's a thing I've never grown is Clematis but they are a beautiful flower, I too have photos of a friends white one.

Chatty Crone said...

I have a friend who rarely goes out because of Covid - I hate that for her because her life has changed so much. Zoom meetings - what a great idea.
Love the flowers.

Jeanie said...

Oh my! You must live somewhere warmer than I, although we have had a very light winter and my daff bulbs are starting. But it will be a long time before clematis comes! That church is gorgeous.

Liz Hinds said...

Baby steps but so necessary. Well done for getting her to agree.

Wanda said...

Lovely pictures and post. How nice to meet a friend and share lunch and yes, baby steps are so important. Gotta walk before you can run.

Our February is going very nice. Don's feeling a little stronger. We have been able to take small walks around the complex.

I'm enjoying cookings as I got hooked on a cooking chanel with Jean Piere. He is so funny and entertaing, but has made some great recipes. Made one for tonight!

baili said...

Dear Terra blooms you shared are just divine.

Loved the breathtaking ocean image!

What a lovely lady you are to arrange meet up to encourage a friend meeting with old friends and spend some time with them is soul refreshing indeed.
Pre birthday wishes for you! Blessings and hugs

Jennifer said...

Such lovely clematis! Gregg loves the purple ones and I've considered planting one for him.

How kind of you to help your friend slowly reacclimate to social life. :)

Julia said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog. Your Clematis is beautiful. Here in February, we still have lots of snow and my Clematis blooms much later.

Covid did change everything. I still wear a mask when going out in public places where there are a lot of people. I hope your friend will lose her fear of Covid.

DawnTreader said...

February here has been a lot more wintry than yours - and has kept shifting a lot between snow, rain, thaw, sun, and starting over again, multiple times.

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

Thank you for your picture of clematis. I've read about this plant but never to my knowledge seen it. It's beautiful. I agree with Jennifer that it's so kind of you to help your friend venture out again.

My February is going well. My husband and I took a five day trip by train and bus to a small charming town in southern Portugal called Faro. It has an interestiing history, and I blogged about it today on my new blog. I hope you will stop by.

Red Rose Alley said...

The Clematis is so pretty. That's the one thing I miss in So Cal. You get to see the blooming flowers earlier than we do up in the mountains. It's still Winter here.


*The name Cleo is both a boy's name and a girl's name meaning "glory." They first named the kitty Felix, as it was a Harry Potter name, which my family enjoys the books and movies, but then they changed it to Cleo Felix, which works also. I'm more of a dog person myself, so when I see your Bounce, it makes me smile. : )

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

Hello again, Terra, can you post your comment on my new blog? ( ) I moved because something weird happened with my replies via Google: I can't reply to your comments on the old blog ( ) So anything you post there would have to be unacknowledged. Meanwhile, I have a new post up on the "Come Travel With Me" blog about a recent trip to Faro that you might enjoy.

What kind of writing do you do?

R's Rue said...


Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

Hi, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Glad I found yours. Clematis doesn't bloom here until late spring. Beautiful pictures! My February is going well, I am on vacation in Portugal (following the sun) and in the process of finishing a manuscript.

My Tata's Cottage said...

Beautiful clematis! It is always good news when visiting with friends. Prayers for those afraid to leave their homes. I hope they at least go outside and get some vitamin D. It is also good to celebrate those special occasions like birthdays. Have a blessed and beautiful day.

Susan said...

Wow, Terra, that is early for flowers but how wonderful! Hope you are doing well. Take care. Susan

Susan Kane said...

Your clematis is lovely. Mom had a purple clematis growing up her porch railing.
Zoom is marvelous. I only wish it existed 40 years ago, so my folks 3000miles away could see my kids grow up.

Susan Kane said...

Your clematis are lovely. Mom had a purple plant twining up her porch railing.

Zoom is super. We don't use it enough.

Shug said...

How beautiful the clematis are. Looks like it is going to be an Early Spring. Hope you have a wonderful weekend

Debbie said...

ooooh those flowers are so pretty and what a nice surprise!!

i can't drive and i always appreciate when people include me and help me get out! i'm glad your friend accepted your invitation and you both enjoyed the time together. fear is a terrible thing, maybe she will feel better about going out now!!