Glasgow Computer Cat
Originally uploaded by Ben.Allison36
Hi all,
Little ol' me has 2 blogging questions and I'm guessing some of you will share solutions with me here.
Hope, hope, hope.
As you can see, my questions are for blogspot blogs.
First, can I turn off comments to an older post? A spammer keeps commenting on two old posts and it would be nice if I can turn off comments, just on those two posts.
Second, how do you all get pretty borders on your blog, as opposed to my plain wide edges?
Thanks in advance for any answers.
You can go into Settings; and in comments, change the number of days old comments can be before you moderate them. I would try going directly to the one post and see if you can edit the comments that way first. I know every template has a bit different set up; I use a blogspot template but have discovered there are various tweaks.
Also, Susie Jefferson @ could tell you how. she has helped me many times...a delightful lady. And she can tell you how and what template you need for the fancy borders.
Just tell her I sent you over.... <:)
Sorry....I should have read further...
Go to the post in *Edit Post* and at the bottom of the pane there is a *Post Options*
Click that. It will open a window that will allow you to close comments.
I should read before I write...
As for borders... try the Background Fairy
aren't people so helpful around
here. i, of course, do not know
how to do anything.
sorry, but there are many sites
who will put up a border for you
for around $15.
shabby creations is one.
There's lots of things you can do with your layout to change the background border length. Tons of websites for blogbackgrounds (even those you want to look like wordpress blogs but without the wordpress part of it.)
Oh dear friends, I appreciate your suggestions very much. Anne, I already followed your directions and stopped the comments on one post. It was easy thanks to you.
Hi Terra..welcome to my little ole blog..Rick-Rack and Gingham.
After reading that you have published a book..not only am I honored you read my blog..but I am also a little intimidated. You see I'm sure I don't do anything right as far as the writing goes... Language was never my favorite class.
Reading..I loved..talking and chatting I loved..visiting with girl friends..even better.
So with saying all this..I hope you come back and visit with me again.
I see you got your questions answered about the comment thing.
And as for the decorative blogs..We are tight on I am decorating with my pictures and buttons..there are some free blog templates..I just didn't see any that were me. in hand..I will decorate like ME!!
Until then...come visit again!
Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
You can turn off comments from the Edit page.
Just google free blog backgrounds and you will find many you can choose from
Amrita, you have two excellent ideas. Someday, when I am feeling in that mood, I will follow your advice and google free blog backgrounds.
Thanks for the sweet comment...I was a Packer fan for many years...
Hi, Terra, thanks for stopping by my place! I'm a big fan of C.S. Lewis too -- did my master's thesis on THAT HIDEOUS STRENGTH.And I'm a bit of a gardener too -- we obviously have a good bit in common.
Hi Terra,
It looks like you've gotten some good answers. My hubby would be proud that your cheering for the Packers, he is such a rabid fan. We have to plan our whole fall schedule around when the Packers play.
Have a great week.
As far as the can get many for free. Cutest Blog on the Block is a great one. But you must have you style in layout under the template on minima. It is the first one under the template tab. Then you can put the pretty background paper. As far as a can change that too. That is a little more start with the page first!! write me if this is confusing....
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