december25 020
Originally uploaded by patriotworld
I learned that California's dog shelters have a glut of Chihuahuas and east coast dog lovers are clamoring for more Chihuahuas to adopt.
I am happy to read today that animal rescue groups, including an actress, are paying the airline tickets for many of these great dogs to be sent to the east coast for adoption.
The first flight of about 25 dogs were all adopted with a waiting list of 100 people wanting to adopt.
I love all of God's creations, and Chihuahuas are special to me, because my family dog as a child was Chili Rey of Martini, a wonderful Chihuahua.
We drove from Wisconsin to the Florida Everglades many years ago, for a camping trip at Christmas, and Chili went with us, as protection. Ok, he did not charge at an alligator to protect us, but he did love us bunches.
I wrote about this camping trip in the book I co-authored, "Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts", and he was a dear little dog, so I am very happy about the new program to match Chihuahuas with families.
I am glad to hear that too. We do not have a dog but never want to see them needy. Nice story.
I had chihuahua's as a kid too!!!and today's paper had a article about them.Pixy was her name and my Grandparent had one called Penny. My other Grandparents had a Jack Russell named Thumper. I love dogs and cats are okay too. Love bunny's and frogs...I love them all. Not bugs so much.
Deb :)
Terra, thank you for stopping by. I enjoyed your visit.
My heart just ached when I heard about these little guys. Yes, all creatures are precious. I am glad to hear that there is a positive response. If I could I would take them all in but I have a few ktties that are much bigger and they don't like four legged strangers. :) :)
Oh that makes me so is nice to see some good in this world. All animals deserved to be loved and treated with affection. xooxoxo
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