Thursday, July 20, 2023

Rose Campion Beauty, George Washington, Epoch Times


Rose Campion growing across the street from my house. I called them Purple Succulents until I learned recently they are Rose Campion and not succulents. I love that name, Rose Campion. Sounds like a name for a pretty English lass in a novel. People have had a love affair with this plant for centuries, and Rose Campion was grown in English gardens in the 1600s as shown in garden records and Thomas Jefferson wrote about growing Rose Campion in his gardens at Monticello in the 1700s.

Below is Bounce, to show the immense size of the pot the plant is growing in, plus of course every post needs a Bounce!

The bench also shows the size of the container, these are beautiful flowers. I have a few small ones in small pots and would like to have more in my garden. Happy gardening and flower admiring to you, my blog friends.

And here is the George Washington sculpture and quote from him, which I found in The Epoch Times, the newspaper I subscribe to which arrives once a week and is full of thought provoking and informative articles and columns from a conservative viewpoint. Epoch Times covers politics, history, art history, health, gardening, healthy cooking, religious freedom, has a puzzle page and comics, etc. I also subscribe to our local paper which is very liberal so I see differing viewpoints.

Sometimes people can not read words printed on an illustration posted online so I will include the words here. I learned about that difficulty reading on some online reading groups I am in, where the rules are that when you post a picture of a book cover you must also type out the author and title so all can read it.

"It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor." -- George Washington, first President of the United States



LoveT. said...

Amazing Flowers, i love the Color.

Michelle said...

Those flowers are lovely!

Bill said...

Lovely flowers, they're so pretty. I love the dog's name, Bounce, what a unique name.

My Shasta Home said...

I read Epoch News online, although I do prefer a newspaper. I think the online version is cheaper so that is what I went with. I might reconsider making a change to print.

Those are such lovely flowers and the color is pretty. Their leaves do look like a succulent type of plant. I'll have to look it up.

Wanda said...

My daughter was visiting from Oregon so I've been out of touch for a week or so. Good to be back visiting friends.

The flower pot is hugh! My husband's pet name for me is "Rose". He's called me that for years.

Bounce is so cute.

acorn hollow said...

I have seen that plant before but I never knew the name. That is one large container.

Mari said...

I haven't heard of that flower. It's beautiful and that container is huge!
I like the Epoch times too. Our local paper is also very liberal.

Christine said...


Betsy said...

That is one HUGE plant. I'm glad you used Bounce and the bench to provide perspective because I never would have guessed how big it was otherwise.
Oh, that all nations would search out God's will in everything we do.

Margaret D said...

Certainly a lovely vibrant plant against white.

Jennifer said...

I have a bunch of rose campion seeds given to me by a friend, but at the moment I don't have a good place to plant them. I need a bigger yard! :)

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

That is one big pot and the flowers are so very pretty. Have a good weekend.

Linda said...

Such magnificent flowers!! They truly deserved that huge pot!
I love Epoch Times!!!

Granny Marigold said...

The Rose Campion is lovely. I wonder if it is related to Lychnis coronaria? The flower is similar but the leaves seem different. GM

dori said...

"It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor."

So very good!
Here in German language:

„Es ist die Pflicht aller Nationen, die Vorsehung des allmächtigen Gottes anzuerkennen, seinem Willen zu gehorchen, für seine Wohltaten dankbar zu sein und demütig seinen Schutz und seine Gunst anzuflehen.“

I think you also can say ".. the duty and best way of life for the soul..."

No Blog-Post without Bounce!!!!!!!

Lovely flowers! I love the pink colour!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Those flowers are so cheerful. Thanx. I like your dog.

God bless.

DawnTreader said...

Lovely flowers, and I'm amazed at the size of that pot!

Terra said...

Oh Dori, I love your idea to add the words "...the duty and best way of life for the soul."

Shug said...

Absolutely gorgeous. and to think, you get to see this every day. So nice! I never knew this was the name of this Beautiful flowering plant.

Tabor said...

I have heard the name of that flower, but never really knew what it was.

Susan Heather said...

What a pretty flower and huge pot

Shiju Sugunan said...

I love the Rose Campion! It's a beautiful plant with a long history.

magiceye said...

Pretty flowers and bouncy Bounce!

DUTA said...

I definitely agree with G.Washington's words. It is the the duty of nations (not only the duty of individuals).
Rose Campion flower, displaying perfect beauty, is a great sight!!

baili said...

Precious friend Terra this is a lovely sharing!
Loved your love for rose campion: )
The gorgeous blooms have great appeal to eyes to make one fall in love with them :)))
Such a huge pot and widespread flowers wow loved them.
I agree with this beautiful quote my friend. Each word is true and worth follow