Saturday, May 28, 2022

Our gardens, poems, and the gardens of others


I think gardens and poems fit naturally together. Above is a bouquet from my garden.

Here is a quote I agree with: "I'd rather have roses in my garden than diamonds on my neck." Emma Goldman 1869-1940

"Bless the gardener who believes great things grow from small beginnings
appreciates sunshine and rain and the rhythm of the seasons
plows through troubles willing to get hands and knees dirty
remains grounded but keeps an eye on the sky
plants extra for birds to eat their fill
and never leaves us hungry." Mary Kolada Scott

Remember that you don't have to have a garden to enjoy flowers. I enjoy seeing my neighbors' flowers and shrubs change with the seasons and the years and I get gardening ideas when I visit gardens via your blogs.
Sweet Banquets
"You don't have to own 
your neighbor's garden
to enjoy its flowers 
and even the eyes of strangers
may feast upon the sweet banquets
of someone else's work." Hilda Lachney Sanderson


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

At this time of the year, there are plenty of flowers everywhere to enjoy.

Yes, poems and flowers go together naturally.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

And then there are the wildflowers we see in the forest! It's a beautiful time of year with so much to appreciate!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I like the final quotation in particular!

Mari said...

I love gardens too and enjoyed your poems that go with them!

Betsy said...

Beautiful poem and flowers all around to enjoy. I would love to plant a wildflower garden in our backyard.

HappyK said...

So true, I sure do enjoy seeing all the different gardens on my morning walk.

Jeanie said...

Emma Goldman nailed it!

Miss Merry said...


Granny Marigold said...

There is so much to see and enjoy at this time of the year. Even if I enjoy my own gardens I love to see what others grow.

The Feminine Energy said...

Poetry says so beautifully what the heart feels. Thank you for sharing, Terra! ~Andrea xoxo

Margaret D said...

Nice poems.

DawnTreader said...

I enjoy the gardens of others a lot (and also parks) as I don't have one of my own.

dori said...

This is a wondewrful bouquet of roses from your garden! Now also here in Bavaria roses begin to open. Fine quotes you find here - You can HAVE a garden, but you also just you can enjoy all the wonderful flowers from other gardens - or in nature. Flowers give us a good and healing energy - -

Sandy said...

Pretty x 2. Both poems and the flowers. I especially like looking at neighbors pretty trees, flowers, shrubs etc. I can enjoy without doing the work, lol. Having said that, I spent a good amount of time outdoors today, trimming and weeding, and weeding, and weeding. Made good headway, but have much to do. Tomorrow is another day.
Sandy's Space

Angelsdoor * Penny said...


Lauren at Wonderfully Made said...

Beautiful! I love making small bouquets from my limited flower garden . . . I think sometimes the smaller ones give a bigger impact. I love the poems but that second one is so wonderful. . . I'm going to copy and print that one. Plants are so expensive here this year (as is most everything!) so I scattered seeds from my zinnias and marigolds from last year and we'll just see what happens. I got a bunch of potted flowers that no one wanted that were left over from our Mother's Day gifts at church so I put those in pots.

Tabor said...

Gardens are truly restorative.

Jenny the Pirate said...

I love both roses and diamonds and while I have a few diamonds, I have never tried to grow a rose as I am no gardener. But I do love them so! xoxo

Susan said...

Lovely post, Terra. Also, thanks so much for coming to visit my blog and then comment, too. Great to see you stopped by. Hugs. Susan

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

Hi, Terra, thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. I really like your bouquet. I agree you don't have to have a garden to appreciate gardens, although my husband and I had one for years, then moved and didn't. We are moving again and the new house has a pretty garden, which thrills us both, since we missed sitting on a patio enjoying flowers.

Nancy's Notes said...

Terra, what beautiful poems! I'm one, like many that love to enjoy a garden be it mine or others! I enjoy a stroll through the neighborhood to check out everyone's garden sundae! A treat, indeed!


Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Hi Terra, love your bouquet and all the wonderful and very true quotes! I love seeing other's gardens and I think that is one of the pleasures of gardening - sharing the beauty. Thank you for your sweet visit. I love making new friends. xx Karen

Haddock said...

You don't have to own your neighbour's garden to enjoy its flowers..... so true.

Sandy said...

Me waving hello as I make my blog rounds. Hope all is well with you.
Sandy's Space

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Yes, we can all enjoy aneighbor's garden. As well as wilk flowers, along a verge. ☺

Gentle hugs