Sunday, April 26, 2015

My birthday celebrations

My wonderful husband and sons are treating me like royalty this week, in honor of my birthday. It is one of those big birthdays ending with a zero.
Also, friends treated me to a birthday lunch and gifts from the heart and my sister sent me a special gift from Wisconsin.

And more fun to come in the next few days. Soon I will show you what my sister sent me.


FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Happy Birthday dear Terra.

Love & hugs ~ FlowerLady

donna baker said...

Happy days to you.

Gill - That British Woman said...

A happy birthday to you. Hope you have a wonderful week celebrating. That cake looks yummy!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Happy Birthday sweet friend! It sounds like a very special birthday fit for a Queen! ENJOY!! Birthday hugs coming your way, Diane

Mari said...

You are loved! Happy Birthday!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Congratulations Terra .. sounds like you're being treated royally ..

Enjoy .. and here's to many more - Hilary

Lady Jane said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!Beautiful flowers, fruit tart and cabernet... Wow I coming to help you celebrate...

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Happy Birthday Terra!
Is that a berry pie? It looks so good!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, that definitely is the royal treatment....Happy Birthday!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Happy Birthday!!

Carla from The River said...

Happy Birthday!
xx oo

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Glad you're being spoiled.

Wanda said...

Happy Birthday Terra. What lovely flowers and balloon. How nice to be teated like a queen by your husband and sons.

I hope your Birthday Celebration goes on for days..weeks even....HaHa.

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday!

Michaele said...

I can swear I smell that bouquet! Gorgeous gifts! Happy birthday and many more!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! April is a great month to have a birthday!!!

Susan said...

Well birthdays are definitely to be celebrated! Hope yours is wonderful. You deserve the best life has to offer. Susan

Far Side of Fifty said...

Happy Birthday! I just hate those that end in zero:(

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Being treated like royalty makes these birthdays that end in 0's go easier. Happy Birthday and enjoy these days with your family.

Rebecca said...

I'm SO glad you're being celebrated so grandly. I add my happy birthday wish to the many you've already received ♥ Enjoy the festivities!

Tanya said...

Happy Birthday, Terra - you deserve to be pampered on a birthday ending with a zero...ANY birthday, actually. Hope it's wonderful - looks like you were off to a great start to your week!

Annesphamily said...

Hi Terra, happy birthday to you! Sounds like a fun weekend. You are blessed. I bet your friend sang beautifully at church! Such a beautiful blessing too! Always appreciate seeing you at the blog. That fruit tart sounds wonderful too! YUM! Hugs to you! Enjoy a great week!

Friko said...

Happy Birthday Terra. Have a wonderful time and enjoy all that spoiling. It doesn’t happen every day.

Bellezza said...

Such lovely surprises for your birthday celebration! Many happy returns of the day, as Pooh would say, and thank you for visiting Dolce Bellezza.

HappyK said...

Happy Birthday. Looks like you had a good one. : )

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Joy said...

Happy birthday and so many wonderful pictures! Enjoy!

Denise said...

Praying you had a birthday filled with blessings. I love you.

Maria said...

I believe every wife and mom deserves to be treated as a royal! Belated happy birthday Terra! I am excited to receive the postcards from you. Please email me when you receive the ones I sent to you :)

Stella Jones said...

Happy Birthday Terra, 20 again? Many happy returns. Your flowers etc. are beautiful.

Allie said...

Happy Birthday - remember the bigger the number before the zero, the longer the celebration should go on, lol!!!!

Stephanie said...

Hello sweet friend and Happy belated Birthday! I am so sorry to be late, but better late than never right?

It looks like you had a lovely celebration :) Wishing you a beautiful week. Hugs!

Red Rose Alley said...

Happy Birthday Terra. What fun decorations and nice gifts. May is my birthday month, so I can't wait to celebrate! That birthday cake looks so yummy. :~)

Have a splendid week.

love, ~Sheri

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Thank you Terra for your visit and kind words.. So happy you enjoyed

Joyful said...

A very Happy Birthday to you! The flowers and the fruit flan are gorgeous. x