Friday, March 20, 2015

Our new fence after ivy is removed part 2

Here is our new redwood fence along the alley. Now the ten foot tall and eight foot wide ivy is gone.
Above is the space where the old tottering falling down fence was, and with the ivy gone. That took heavy machinery to remove.
Above is the beginning of building our new fence.
Above to the right is the heavy duty hand made gate. The contractor built it on our patio and I saw him build it.
We are happy to have this much progress.
Now we need to consider what to do with our huge back yard, to have a new sliding glass patio door installed, and to have some sort of shade for part of the patio. Perhaps a canvas awning over the patio doors and a table with an umbrella, or a roof of some kind that will extend over half the patio.
Step one and a big one is the fence is installed, hurray.


FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What a nice fence and gate. I know you're glad to have that and to be gone with the ivy.

Happy Spring ~ FlowerLady

Stephanie said...

Your fence is so lovely! I really like the color of the wood :)

Hugs to you!

Anonymous said...

What a handsome fence. Now you can really see how much space you have in your yard. More places to plant seeds!:)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Looks brilliant Terra - so pleased and will make such a difference come summer with glass doors and shading .. cheers HIlary

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Very Nice !
Just curious did they treat the area where the ivy was growing to keep it from coming back?
Enjoy the weekend.

Stella Jones said...

...and doesn't it look nice! It must make you feel very keen to go on to the next stage.

HappyK said...

That's a nice looking fence. : )

Lady Jane said...

Love your fence and that gate is super. I love the color of the wood also. Sounds like good ideas for the yard.


WOW, it looks much better! Fresh and clean.

Gill - That British Woman said...

wow what a difference and for the better I must say.

Mari said...

What a lot you've gotten done. It looks really nice!

Susan said...

Wow, that's a lovely fence, Terra. It will be so much fun designing the large yard....sculptures ? Fountain? Potted flowers? You will make it beautiful! Susan

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

My gosh that looks like a great fence. It is pretty and should last a long time.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

So far, so good. That fence is a wonderful improvement.

Diane Writes said...

The fence is already beautiful, what more when the entire project is done! The garden will look so perfect and refreshing. I love it! You have a nice home Terra!

PS thank you for the beautiful postcards. You never fail to make me happy with them.

A Colorful World said...

Such a big job. The new fence looks really great!

Hilary said...

I quite like the finish of the fence.. multi coloured and textured.

Joanna Jenkins said...

WOW! That was a huge job, start to finish and it looks fantastic.
Congrats on a job well done.

Linda Kay said...

Looks like a great job of fencing to me! Thanks for stopping by my blog...I'll be back to visit again.

Heart2Heart said...


You might want to consider a sun sail. They are like giant sails made of canvas you can stretch over parts of your yard where you want a bit of shade. We will be installing ours soon. We picked it up at Costco, 13 by 13 foot for only $20.00.

Love your garden and the redwood fence is truly beautiful. I love it!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Marsha Young said...

Love your new little nooks in the garden. And what I wouldn't give to have a great new fence like that one!
Thanks so much for stopping by. blessings to you. Marsha

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Oh I am so inspired your new fence looks great!! I need one!


Buttercup said...

Terra, this looks great. Looking forward to all the good things you will do with your outdoor area.

Kelly-Anne said...

Hello Terra! I just wanted to thank you for your sweet comment on my blog! How simply lovely to meet you!
I will enjoy looking through your blog:)
Blessings and love in Christ!

sweetbriardreams said...

Lovely, all neat and tidy! Take care x

20 North Ora said...

Terra - that is one good-looking fence. Anxious to see what you do in the backyard.


Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Terra, you removed all the ivy! It looks so nice, and I can't wait to see what you have planned next. The fencing is very nice. That ivy is a handful, isn't it? I remember well pulling it out from my back yard at our old house.

Happy Easter, my sweet friend.

love, ~Sheri

Joyful said...

Lots of work involved. I'm glad you are making good progress. Sounds like you will have a wonderful area to enjoy the summer months.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Looks great! So nice to tidy things up and have a lovely outdoor space. Enjoy! Tammy

Far Side of Fifty said...

Wow that was one great big project. Roundup on the new sprouts might be the ticket to stop regrowth! It looks really good:)