Simplify Your Life
Originally uploaded by Robert Benner Sr.
Like a lot of you, I chose a word to guide me in 2014, the word "simplify". It is connected for me with the word "de-clutter." Yes, I have too much stuff. Where does it come from and how does it multiply?
In previous years I chose "shine" and "listen."
Some words you, my blog friends have chosen this year:
Renew, refresh, refocus
One friend has two words: purge and organize
These make a nice word quilt or poem when listed together.
Abby at Abbey's Paperie Garden chose Simplify too, and she designed a wonderful lacy paper scroll to hold her word. You can see it at Abby's Paperie Garden
I want to organize my extensive papers and throw out a lot of them. I have boxes and file cabinets of papers so that is my aim, plus give away and throw out unused clothes and other items.
I think Simplify is in line with Scripture, including:
"Keep your lives free of the love of money and be content with what you have." Hebrews 13:5
Yours (simplify) should CERTAINLY be included in my 2014 efforts. Maybe I could say "Create simplicity"?!?
First time I've the idea of a "word" for the new year. Simplify is fantastic!! The older I get the more I want to live in a neater, cleaner and less busy place. I want to focus more on whats really important. Great word you chose and great previous ones. Have a great week.
That's a great word, Terra.
I loved that you listed the words chosen...yes that is a nice word quilt. In fact it would make a nice "real" quilt.
A wise choice, simplify equals lessening of the load, I think. And what a good idea to choose a word for the year. I think mine would be SMILE, as that simple word and action helped me so much during last year. Might as well continue with it for 2014.
Simplify is a great word. Even this morning I stuffed some sweaters and other things I never wear into a bag that will go to our New Hope Center. As I viewed your list of words, they certainly would make a nice poem.
Simplify is one of my favorite words and I love that verse. I believe I'd choose "Content." I have so much and I've done gratitude--ingrained, really, but "content" implies enjoying one's blessings, doesn't it?
I wonder why simplify is just the opposite when it comes to trying to do. For me anyway : ) I love the word list.
My word will be inspire. I hope to be inspired and to inspire this new year.LJ
Nice word! I'm leaning towards, "transform"...
Happy New Year!
I am so with you on simplifying. If I succeed that's my word for next year. I have way too much stuff, especially paper and not enough organization. Wishing us both good luck!
Great choice, Terra. Simplifying is not as simple as it seems it should be. I hope to do better one this one myself this coming year. blessings ~ tanna
I agree! That would be a lovely quilt! I sure wish I had your warmth, but I think I would still prefer the east coast to the west. The earth quakes concern me, and the fires you get out there. Have a wonderful New Year.
A good solid word! I tucked it in among my "less" from last year. Now I want to maintain my less. And get rid of more!
Blessings of the new year, Terra! Love your word for this year - it is a place I've been working towards as the Lord fine tunes His purposes for me. Lots of transition happening in my life over the past three years - well - since I've been blogging. God has used Blogland to re-direct me in mid-life and it's been such a blessing. My word this year is "peace" and I'll be posting on that later this week. Today - I'm taking tea and recapping lots of blessings that have unexpectedly come my way. God is good - and it can be a bit overwhelming managing that goodness sometimes. My plan for 2014 - approaching all with His Peace.
I haven't chosen my word for this year yet, last year was forgiveness. I have really been into throwing things away this year, need to get back to the organized life.
That is a good word and one that is beneficial if you follow it...makes life much more content. I have not chosen a word yet...but it would have to be one about doing and follow through.
What a terrific word choice! The older I get, the more my husband and I try to simplify our lives by organizing and eliminating some of the "stuff" we've accumulated over the years. Probably more for our children's sake than our own.
Simplify is such a good word - such a good goal. I'd like to spend less time worrying about things.......and about what MIGHT happen, and more time living in the moment.
Hi Terra,
You are so sweet to have mentioned my scroll. Thank you for sharing your word and of course your continued support and comments on my blog. I am excited about the new year and our One Word!
I have tow words: purge and organize! Simplify is a great word.
If I had to choose one word, I think it would be contentment.
Love your Word for 2014. Mine is ME!! After last year, i need to take some time to take care of me.....
Thanks so much for your visit!!
Great word! Something I need to do for 2014 as well.
You've given me a lot to think about. I see words I've used in the past. I also like the word JOY. But I'm not sure what I will choose this year. At least now I have a list to choose from! Happy New year my friend!
Simplfy is a good word. Mine is Abide as I want to abide deeper in Jesus this year.
My word is confidence (or self worth, but that is two). I need to build up my confidence again.
I think ‘Smile’ would serve me fine. Smiling means kindness, friendliness and a warm heart; all attitudes whi leave no room for a negative mindset.
I don't know what my word is yet. I have been out of the loop and didn't know that I was supposed to have one. Maybe "progress" as in keep moving forward?
Thanks so much for stopping by to see me whenever I post, Terra.
Kathy M.
Never thought of having a word for the year, but you have chosen well with physical and spiritual benefits. Blessings!
Oh Terra I can never stay with one word. It bothers Me each year at this time that I can't narrow it down.It makes Me wonder why I never can stick with one word.I love all the words You gave and of course- Simplify.If I do it I hope to get back to You.Blessings-Denise
Happy new year and happy simplifying!
I absolutely love your choice, Terra! Too often we complicate things, even without realizing it.
How about Renew or and refresh?
I got it Tara-Here's mine for this Year,and my first,it's not one word but three and I'm keeping them.Renew,Refresh ,Refocus.
I love it. Simply was one of my words for 2013. That and move. It's funny that you posted this 'cause I was working on a post about my word too. I posted it today and linked to this great post. :)
Hi Terra, your blog is lovely and so inspiring! You've chosen a good word for this year.. Infact all the words in the list are good.. Guess i should choose mine soon. Thanks for stopping by my blog.. Hugs:)
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