Sunday, April 15, 2012

Our Easter tulips for April 15

Ah, April 15, the cruel day for Americans, when our taxes are due. To lift our spirits here are our Easter tulips.


the wild magnolia said...

I love tulips and these are beautiful Easter colors.

Thank you for sharing.

highheeledlife said...

Your tulips certainly a bright welcome... we (Canadians) have until end of month for our taxes... which we must get done soon... Happy Sunday ..xo HHL

Vee said...

They do make me smile!

Buttercup said...

Thanks for brightening today. I love tulips, any color and variety.

Blondie's Journal said...

Very pretty...a great pick me up!


Barbara F. said...

Beautiful tulips, great photo! I did my taxes extra-early this year, first week in February! xo

Ann said...

I need to write a check and send it to Uncle Sam so these are good for lifting our spririts. Thanks for coming by my Pink Sat.
Ann said...

They are beautiful! I wish they lasted year round.

Anonymous said...

Such lovely colors and I like the sun/shadows on them. Thanks for the smile today, Terra. Have a good week.

Stella Jones said...

Tulips are so beautiful. No wonder God chose them to bloom at Easter!

Blessed Serendipity said...

Your tulips are very pretty. Hope you have a beautiful day even though it's tax day.


Unknown said...

Seu blog é maravailhoso, amei as apapoulas, mil vezes parabéns.
Visite o meu blog é com orquídeas.
abraços e um lindo dia

Chatty Crone said...

Tulips are my favorite flowers. sandie

bj said...

Oh, those are so lovely and your photos are wonderful. You should link some of your beautiful shadow shots like these with Shadow Shot Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Sue

Catherine said...

LOL! Well I won't brag that my taxes have been done since February, tax return deposited in my account by the beginning of March, and the money spend shortly there after. Oh... I guess I did brag... Haha!

Such beautiful tulips! They really do lift the spirits don't they?

Hope you had a happy tax day! :)
xo Catherine

BumbleVee said...

We're not far behind..... April 30 ..... a few more weeks to get it all organized.....

HappyK said...

Such beautiful tulips!! I really must plant some bulbs this fall!

Shari said...

Thank you for stopping by Leaving A Legacy yesterday. I am now following through Google Connect. I loved your tulips picture. They are one of my favorite flowers.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

What a wonderful way to put tax season to bed...beautiful tulips!!!

Ya did 'em proud in those lovely pictures sweetie!!!

God bless ya and have yourself a fantastic week sweetie!!! :o)

koralee said...

So pretty...and congratulations on your second that is amazing! xoxo I am off to see if I can take a peek at it on your blog somewhere....even thought I don't scrapbook. Happy day to you

Wanda said...

Since we are retired our Taxes are not such a hassle.

Your Tulips would be lovey any day of the year! Just such a great splash of color and beauty.

Red Rose Alley said...

Tulips are one of my favorite flowers. That is nice to get them to cheer you up around tax time. Lovely pictures, my friend.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Anonymous said...

Your tulips are beautiful!!!

S. Etole said...

No sign of tulips here yet so it's fun to see them here.

Carol............. said...

I love the way the light hits the flowers! Nice photo.

Anonymous said...

Ours just began blooming here--such a treat.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I've never seen so many different colors together! They are lovely!

Nancy said...

What a cheerful photo of tulips. One day I hope to have enough tulips to be able to pick a bouquet like this one!

Olive said...

Your tulips are lovely. I cannot grow them.

Sarah said...

Your pretty tulips help soften the edge of April 15. ;-)

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Such a cheerful bouquet! Tulips are very special.
Thank you Terra for a nice comment on my tulip post! When I make cards, I'll send you some.