Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Daffodils Light Up a Room

I treated us to a bouquet of daffodils and put them in this blue vase, which brought spring right in to our kitchen. Daffodils at Whole Foods were one bunch for $2.50 so I couldn't resist buying TWO bunches. These golden beauties make me smile whenever I enter the kitchen and see them glowing sun yellow on the table.
"A house with daffodils in it is a house lit up, whether or not the sun be shining outside. Daffodils in a green bowl --- and let it snow if it will." -- A. A. Milne
And George H. Ellwanger wrote in 1889 in The Garden's Story "Of all the floral catalogues, the most exquisitely tantalizing is the daffodil catalogue. The further you read, the deeper the gold."


Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Lovely, lovely, lovely!

Anonymous said...

What a cheerful vase of flowers. Yellow and blue are so pretty together.

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

I have daffodils in my yard and they are sure making my day extra nice. I love the colors that splash! Do they come in other colors? I have the yellow ones as well as the white with the yellow centers. Beautiful flower arrangement, Terra.

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Love the daffodils....perfect for any day....Happy Wednesday

Mari said...

They are so cheery! I love daffodils!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Daffs always make me smile, and I sure wish I could grow them here. Your bouquet looks wonderful in your cobalt vase.


the wild magnolia said...

Now your daffodils in the blue vase have made me smile too!


Chatty Crone said...

I really love the daffodils - especially in that dark blue glass vase! Beautiful. sandie

SusanEllingburg said...

Gorgeous and the perfect vase to display them in. Don't you just love the yellow & blue combo? I have daffodils growing around a blue birdbath. The view makes me smile every time I look out the window.

Terry said...

Howdy Terra
Blessings of joy to you
on this lovely St.Patrick's Day.
A great day to enjoy your daffodils !
They are simply gorgeous.
Mine have stopped blooming ,however my grape hyacinths have begun to bloom and my lillys are poking up out of the ground as well as a mutitude of Iris and a few other odd assorted flowers I forgot I had planted.
thank you so much for hanging in there with me .While I have a computer back I still am having problems with google .
Life is an adventure every day :)
Have a wonderful rest of the week my friend.
Take care now.
Until next time
Happy Trails

Leah said...

Thanks for stopping over for a visit - the daffodils are gorgeous and remind me of summer sunshine - the warm hot sunshine! Have a great rest of the week...

Pearl said...

Am up here in Minneapolis and absolutely cannot WAIT for spring!!


NanaNor's said...

Hi there, Loved seeing the daffodils-spring in definitely in the air! Have a delightful weekend.
Hugs, Noreen

Debbie said...

I love that quote by Milne, and I LOVE LOVE daffodils. Yellow flowers are all so pretty, and I love a jonquil... but there is nothing quite like the full grown daffodil.

It's the most whimsical flower there is.

Buttercup said...

I'm with you. A friend left me a daffodil plant and a hyacinth plant. What fun to walk into my kitchen and see their bright flowers. Can't resist spring flowers.

Denise said...

I wish that they grew and bloomed all summer........ They are so beautiful...

For The Love of Old Books said...

Oh your daffodils look so lovely in that blue vase. Daffodils are my favorite flower.


Rebecca Nelson said...

Love Daffs and Crocus...my favorite yellows!

Thank you for your sweet visit today~


oldgreymare said...

Kindred spirits. I bought darling daughter some daffys at Trader Joes while I was visiting her last week.

They just lift your spirits don't they?

Annesphamily said...

Lovely reminder that Spring is springing up everywhere! Love to you and that vase is gorgeous filled with those lovely dafs.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

So pretty! Daffodils remind me of sunshine.

TAILS of TANKENE said...

Daffodils indeed signal Spring has sprung. Thank you Sunshine. Sparkles

TAILS of TANKENE said...

Sunshine the beautiful Lace Cap Hydrangea is still blooming after a month!!!Sparkles

Single Gal said...

You're right. Just like sunshine!

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Your daffodils are so pretty! So welcoming Spring here! Can't wait to get my hands dirty...as soon as it stops raining! :)


Lady Jane said...

I love the yellow and the blue... So spring and happy like... Enjoy

Sarah Allen said...

Beautiful :) Daffodils are so joyful.

Sarah Allen
(my creative writing blog)

Unknown said...

so easy and cheap to decorate a room with flowers - gives it a completely new atmospher

greetings from Germany


BumbleVee said...

that does it....I'm getting me some daffies!!!