Thursday, February 17, 2011

Upside of Downsizing, book to give away

Hi All,
I like to give away books here when I find one I am excited about, and here is a delightful book by Karen O'Connor titled "The Upside of Downsizing: 50 Ways to Create a Cozy Life."
This upbeat book is about how to simplify, which happens to save money! Two great ideas.
The author (see photo above) shares stories from her own life and friends' lives, which got me enthused to try some of her tips.
One suggestion is to choose experience over possessions. O'Connor and her husband told their adult children they love to spend some time with them, rather than receive another nice thingamajig for the house. Now they often enjoy a phone conversation or a walk along the ocean instead of a new possession.
A second idea is "Opening your heart and home" which has suggestions including inviting people to your home for soup and a salad bar, and cookies for dessert, which is simple to put together.
O'Connor reminds readers how a prayer partner can be ideal, and also explains that she is blessed to have a "heartner", an idea new to me.
These tips will work wonderfully for adults of any age, who want to simplify and have a life that is enriched with experiences. If you like the idea and are a bit bogged down for practical ways to go ahead, this book is just the tool you need, and a great bargain at only $6.99.
The publisher, Harvest House, kindly gave me a copy to give away to one person who leaves a comment here. I will select the winner using and announce the lucky person on Tuesday February 22.


Unknown said...

Karen's book sounds wonderful! I'm definitely in the market to simplify! Thanks for letting me know about your giveaway. Have a wonderful weekend. God bless!

Terry said...

Howdy Terra
What a wonderful book to give away :)
Thank you so much for sharing this fabulous opportunity to learn about the postive side to downsizing !
I must admit some days I just get so over whelmed trying to create a cozy home out of our smaller space.
Thus I continue creating trails through boxes we must travel down .
Big hugs from Texas
Until Next Time
Happy Trails

Ginny Hartzler said...

I've never heard of this book, but her ideas seem very good!

highheeledlife said...

Thanks for visiting, I hope you enjoyed the tea... This sounds like a fabulous book. The idea of a prayer partner and a heartner has me curiou s .... Since the accident I have been trying to figure our ways to simplify life and spend more time making memories than "collecting" items. Wishing you a fabulous and blessed week-end..xo HHL

Chatty Crone said...

This sounds like a GREAT book - she looks content and happy. sandie

Heart2Heart said...

Ohh! I love these ideas. We are so in sync and I just finished a book called Unstuff about eliminating the "need" for things in our life to make us happy.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

P.S. If you can stop by Heart2Heart I have an urgent prayer request!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a terrific book, Terra. I think probably just about every person in North America could do some downsizing. Myself included. Thanks for taking the time to do that.

Flowercents said...

Sounds like a great book, and most everyone good use a little simplifying in their life. Thanks for sharing.

Tiffany said...

This book sounds like the perfect book for me right now because I am currently in the process of simplifying my life starting with my home! I would love to read this book and learn about her great ideas. Have a wonderful weekend!

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

That book sounds wonderful. I've always thought I would live a simple life--how did it get to be so complicated?

NanaNor's said...

Hi there, Karen's book sounds very practical and as we get older and downsize I'm sure this would be very handy. I want to thank you for alerting me to your give away.
Have a delightful weekend.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Thanks for letting me know about your giveaway! My parents are selling their home and plan to add an inlaw quarters to our house. This would likely be a help to all of us in this process!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Terra for leaving such a kind comment on my blog re our move. Yes, the book sounds full of great ideas. I hope you will have a lovely weekend.

Julie said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog and your sweet words left for me. You blessed my heart today!

Hope you are doing well!


Ginny said...

Oh Terra, That books sounds so good! We are fairly new to retirement and believe me living on a fixed income is sooo hard. I would love to read these special ideas. I love the one about having people over for soup, salad, and cookies. That is an excellent idea, especially when the food budget is cut. Please include me in your giveaway!

Rhonda said...

Hello, I would love to enter, thank you for hosting.
this book sounds very useful with the economy like it is.

Beth in NC said...

Wow, that sounds like a great book!

I hope you're having a blessed weekend. Happy Sunday!


Kim Stewart said...

I'm spending my 3 day weekend simplifying my tiny kitchen. How many muffin pans does one family need!!! I'm taking inventory of what we have, what we need and passing on what we have too much of! This book would be great motivation!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

What a nice give away. It sounds like something I NEED to read! laurie said...

A heartner...I love it!! Sounds like a good one!

myletterstoemily said...

this sounds like a wonderful book, and i am
always looking for ways to downsize and

please let us know when your son's cd is
open for business. i would love to hear it!

Connie in Hartwood said...

It sounds like a huge conflict of ideas, but we upsized our house when we moved here three years ago and we are in the process of seriously downsizing our possessions. Giving away things right and left feels great!! The only thing hanging on the wall in my kitchen is a sign that says 'Simplify'. I take it to heart.

Linda said...

Sounds wonderful! Thank you for giving us this opportunity to enter!Sounds as if many good ideas can be found in this book.
Have a great rest of the week.

koralee said...

This book looks like fun. Hope your day is going well. xo

My Grama's Soul said...

Hi Terra.....thanks for stopping by to say hi. What a great little book that appears to be....we can all use little ways to save a little money and to still enjoy our lives to the fullest.



Unknown said...

G'morn, Terra ~

While preparing to move, this would be fantastic advice ...

Have a beautiful day ~