Friday, May 14, 2010

My Strawberry Heart

What can be prettier than a juicy strawberry heart?
You can't really tell but this is a BIG strawberry. I had just discovered a blog that has photos of heart shaped objects, and then brought home strawberries from the store, and right there in the container was this cute heart shaped berry.
The website is by Clytie and you can visit her at
My husband took this photo, thank goodness, one less thing I've had to learn!


Stella Jones said...

Strawberries are so big these days, aren't they! If something is going to be heart shaped, then let it be red! Wonderful heart shaped strawberry. Great for a Friday (the day of love).
You should put it on your husband's pillow tonight. He can't fail to get the message.
Blessings, Star

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Gee all I had was a heart shaped roll of toilet paper!

Clytie said...

Wow! I love this heart - I can tell it's huge! And I can't tell you how big the smile on my face is right now - It is so fun when other people see hearts! May I feature this one on Guest Heart Thursday?

Terra said...

Yes Clytie, please do feature this on your Thursday heart post. Thanks, this is fun.

Terra said...

Star, lovely idea about the strawberry on the pillow. Just Breathe, a toilet paper roll heart is a fantastic find. I saw the photo!

Jemi Fraser said...

Yummy :) I love strawberries!!

Tea with Tiffany said...

Love this strawberry heart. It's extra sweet!

Amrita said...

This is a beauty said...

That's a beautiful strawberry heart. Yummy too.

Kimberly said...

My daughter finds rocks that look like hearts. I love your strawberry.

Clytie said...

Thank you, Terra! See you on Thursday!!!

God's Little People said...

Hi Terra, it's so curious when you deliberately start looking for someting, you'll find it everywhere you look. Think there's a great lesson about achieving what you want in this message... you've just got to look for it!!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

I also have found strawberries like that. Thanks for stopping by. Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

I have never seen a strawberry heart and stared and stared.
Have you tasted them dipped in melted chocolate? Yummy!
Nice to meet you Terra...

Tahereh said...

omg how cool!! and delicious!

thanks for sharing such a great photo :D

RURAL said...

That must taste just delicious, and it looks so juicy.

Thanks for stopping by, and leaving a lovely comment. Always nice to meet new blogging friends.

Love your blog, and I will be back to visit, very soon.

Muddy Boot Dreams

The Old Parsonage said...

Well, I "love" it:) My friend found a chip in the shape of a heart and I blogged about it last year!

Great minds think a like!

ZONE F DG TEAM said...

Just a quick invite to let you know about the Gooseberry Patch cookbook giveaway being hosted at my blog.

Have fun with it,

koralee said...

So very cute indeed ....blessings for a wonderful new week. xoxo

GwendolynKay said...

One of my fave fruits. So delishious and pretty too. I bet that eating them is good for our hearts.

Jane Kennedy Sutton said...

That strawberry is too pretty to eat!

Noelle Johnson said...

I absolutely love strawberries, even heart-shaped ones :-)

Billy Coffey said...

That looks SO good!

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Now, does it make you a heart-eater?

Rosaria Williams said...

Once you start looking for heart shaped objects, your world changes. Hearts are everywhere. WE do like them.

Sunny said...

Your strawberry heart looks delish!
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
☼ Sunny

Annesphamily said...

What a beautiful post! I love strawberries and this was in from the heart! Anne

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I have a tag for you on my blog.
You are not obligated to play along :)

Barb said...

Hi Terra,
It's funny how we "find" each other. I so enjoyed your beautiful state. I'm now in the desert of AZ - not too hot and a nice breeze blowing. I like your strawberry heart!