Thursday, March 25, 2010

Adopt a retired military working dog

I get an email newsletter from Madeleine Pickens, a woman I greatly admire for her work to save America's wild mustangs. The newsletter is about easy things we can do to help the mustangs and I am sure you can sign up to get it at her website
Today her newsletter is so sweet! She has adopted a German Shepherd named Chyba, and Chyba is a retired military working dog with 10 years of work, defending our country. For a video of Chyba see the above named website.

For more about this program see
Madeleine also recommends the website


Rosaria Williams said...

What a great service! Thanks for publicizing this.

GwendolynKay said...

What a gorgeous dog! So sweet that your friend gave him a loving home. I believe our pets are gardian angels for us.

Gail said...

A great cause

Jemi Fraser said...

Beautiful dog!! What a great program - thanks for the links! :)

Holly Lefevre said...

What an amazing opportunity. I am going to pass this along to my parents. My dad had a German Shepard when he was a policeman and he loved that dog. They recently rescued one...but they always like to have more than one dog!

Tootsie said...

what a wonderful thing! My sister used to have a retired police dog. He was great for their family. said...

That is so neat. I want second thought...three is definitely enough for the moment! LOL

Linda Yezak said...

Thanks for the link--I never realized the dogs were up for adoption.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this heart-warming story.

The Painted Garden said...

Oh my goodness what a lovely post on adopting the beautiful dogs and giving them a loving home.
Thank you for your post and for sharing the information on adoptions - I adopted my dog Bentley and he has been a joy.

The Old Parsonage said...

Thanks for the link and the info. Love that sweet pup's face!


koralee said...

So heartwarming my friend. I am off to view the link. Thank you and another thanks for all your sweet comments you always leave me. Happy Easter week to you. xoxo

wisteria said...

Very special animals. Thanks for posting about this cause. :)