Thursday, September 4, 2008

Peter Rabbit Birthday Sept. 4

Originally uploaded by yokoyama
Let's celebrate the anniversary of Peter Rabbit's birthday September 4.
I read yesterday in John Kremer's newsletter (John that Sept. 4 is Peter's birthday. I wonder if that is the publication date of the first book starring him?
Or the day Beatrix Potter completed her manuscript? Or?
A good way to celebrate is to rent the movie Miss Potter; my husband and I highly recommend it.
Gorgeous English country hills and farms and interiors, a strong lady ahead of her times, even a love story and a conservation ethos tucked in there.
Happy Day Peter.


Wandering Writer said...

Sept. 4 is my husband's birthday too. His ears are much shorter and he's not nearly as furry though.

Anonymous said...

Probably the day he was published. Thank goodness for all writers, but especially Beatrix Potter, who has made so many children happy.~~Dee