Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Pizza Garden

Pizza Garden July 2007
Originally uploaded by Sally J.
A fun project with children is creating a PIZZA GARDEN.
This involves finding a spot in your yard that ideally gets 8 hours of sun a day, or six hours minimum, and laying out a garden in the shape of a round pizza pie.

Using string to guide you, mark out pie shaped slices, dividing your pizza into 6 or eight slices.
Fill each slice with pizza ingredient plants: cherry tomatoes, Early Girl tomatoes, onions, garlic, basil and oregano, and anything else your family loves on their pizzas.
You can edge the pie with white stones, to look like crust, and add yellow flowers like marigolds to stand in for cheese.

When the tomatoes and other veggies are ready, cookup a tomato sauce on the stovetop, and create a pizza.
I often use Boboli crusts available in a lot of grocery stores, or you can use a frozen crust or make your own if you are talented in that arena.
I found this photo on Flickr.


Frances, said...

What a great idea and good to eat as well. It would be nice if you had an upper story window to look down upon it like that. Thanks for making me hungry!

Frances at Faire Garden

TAILS of TANKENE said...

Mama mia you make me want to eat some pizza. What a creative way to get the youngsters into gardening. Yum, Sparkles

My Unfinished Life said...

Pizza garden..thats a nice idea!!...

Wandering Writer said...

What a neat idea! You are so clever.

Sandra said...

What a great creative idea.

Johnice said...

Yea for another gardening librarian!!!

Amrita said...

This is such a brilliant idea. We could have our own favourite food gardens. WOW!