Friday, February 21, 2025

Love Your Pet Day, Hudson Taylor Mission to China, Crazy Old Lady Me


That is so cute, every day is love your pet day at our houses, right?

Hudson Taylor, what a great man, he felt called to go on mission to China in 1853. A poor man, he dared to go all the way to China to bring Christ to the people there. Taylor's journey from England to China took almost six months. Imagine the harsh conditions on the small ship. He had many adventures and soon learned to dress in Chinese attire so people would stop and listen to him. He faced robbers and violence. He learned Chinese so he could preach and talk with the people. His memoir was originally titled "To China With Love", showing how much he loved the Chinese people. 

Last but not least, a fun cartoon for all of us old ladies and gentlemen. You youngsters may attain this one day too.