I can use some ideas for cooking dinner for one. This is new to me after 45 years of marriage and raising a family and cooking for four.
I had a good idea a few days ago; I bought a game hen from Trader Joes. I rubbed it with melted butter, stuffed it with a few lemon slices and fresh rosemary and a couple grapes, and put it in the oven on a baking sheet. It was done in about an hour. Actually I went out and took Bounce on a walk, and overcooked it a bit. The directions said done when temperature reaches 165 degree F, but it was 200 degree F. when I returned from our walk and took the game hen out of the oven. Still, it was moist and tasty.
I had the game hen that evening and the next night too, with asparagus. Bounce had plenty of hen tidbits to nibble on too.
I would appreciate if you have any other good ideas for cooking for one you would share here in the comments.
P.S. 12/12/18 Starting Over mentioned in her comment Hello Fresh. My son comes over after work once a month with either Hello Fresh or Blue Apron and he cooks us gourmet meals for three days. I like these services, but it would be too much food for one person, I think. I like Hello Fresh and Blue Apron a lot. The choices are fantastic, twice now we chose the grilling cheese meal with sweet potato, red onion, tomato and avocado.