Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well
Originally uploaded by Lawrence OP
R . Sargent Shriver, with many accomplishments to his credit, including founding the Peace Corps, died January 18, 2011 at the age of 95, and I treasure the following words that his son Mark, said about him. I hope these same words describe me, and they are an ideal to aim for, that is for sure.
Mark Shriver said about his dad:
"Daddy was joyful 'til the day he died and I think that joy was deeply rooted in his love affair with God. Daddy loved God and God loved him right back. ... Daddy let go. God was in control and oh, what a relationship they had."
Mark said that his dad in his frequent traveling always found a church to attend each morning for daily mass.
Daddy loved God, and God loved him right back.
I think that is a beautiful summary of a life.