Saturday, July 13, 2019

Bounce, his outfits, seniors adopting dogs and some shadows

Above photo is of my dog, Bounce, preparing for a July barbeque party.
Yes, I am a senior citizen and in November 2016 I adopted a dog from an animal shelter. I chose to adopt an adult dog, looking at dogs 2, 3 and 4 years old. The dog who won my heart had an unknown age which they guestimated to be 5. So today Bounce is almost eight, according to their guess.
Bounce in his new security outfit, keeping the party crowd in line.

Part of the reason I chose to adopt an adult dog is that I am no expert on raising or training puppies. They had no info on Bounce beyond that he was found on the street, was very thin, and not fixed. Before I took him home per their rules they fixed him and pulled two problem teeth.
Bounce turned out to be very house trained already and is a fabulous companion. He likes all people.
The reason I am writing about this is that I recently read criticisms online about a person who is 80 and who adopted a puppy. My goodness, critics were worried the person would die before the dog. The critics insisted the person should not have adopted a puppy, but rather an older dog.
Personally I am happy that puppy has a loving home. When it comes to dogs, let people follow their heart.
I know that people of all ages sometimes turn in their dogs to shelters because of new life situations for them, so dogs can lose their home no matter the age of the owner. At the animal shelter when I filled out forms one question was who would care for Bounce if I couldn't and my younger son who was with me, signed up to say he would. My adult sons LOVE Bounce.
These shadows on my bedroom curtain caught my eye. The one on the right looks like a cute alien peering in with little antennas sprouting from his head. Well, it does to me!


Mevely317 said...

Yes, that does look like a wee alien - ha!

I so agree with your thoughts on doggie adoptions! After all, none of us are promised tomorrow. When I lost my beloved Caraleigh in March 2013, I could not find it in my heart to get another. Yet. 2 months later my hubby was diagnosed with lung cancer and fell into a scary depression. The only thing that brought him around was the thought of raising our litter- mates, Macie and Grace. Man, that first year was nearly the end of me - working full time, being a caregiver and (trying to) train these pups. I wouldn't change them for the world, but there's NO WAY I'm up for anything in the future besides a rescue. Bounce looks so cute in his Hawaiian shirt!

Laurel Wood said...

Bounce is adorable and I love these two shirts! We have always adopted/rescued older dogs, also. I think any time a dog gets a loving home, folks should be thrilled. I've seen younger folks turn in dogs to my vet because of moving due to a new job, losing a job etc. so there are no guarantees at any age! I love your shadow shots thru the curtains.
Wishing you and Bounce a nice afternoon.

Lilly's Mom said...

Bounce is so adorable! I think it's great that you adopted a rescue dog. Lilly my cat is a rescue cat, too. 🐈🐕🐾

Aging Awkwardly said...

I had a little bounce ... still thinking about what to do after our 14 year old big dog passes ...


Frugally challenged said...

Bounce looks Brilliant!

Here it's possible to make arrangements for pets to be re-homed after your death. It seems a good system because the new adopters get a dog from a known background and with a known history which makes adoption much easier. I had a dog and will one day have another but when I do I shall make suitable arrangements just in case.

Betsy said...

We adopted our Chloe from a rescue group and they thought she was a little over 2 then. She and a littermate had been thrown as puppies from a car on the interstate. Her sibling died and she had both back legs and pelvis broken. For two years she lived at Vet's offices while they performed surgeries on her. She is the BEST dog we've ever had and we've had some good ones. She is about 13-14 now and my constant companion. I honestly don't know what I'll ever do without her. The Vet's had completely potty trained her and taught her basic commands. I don't know that I would ever adopt a puppy again.
Your little alien is a cutie.

NanaDiana said...

You are absolutely right about the dogs,Terra. I am so glad that you found the perfect dog for your situation. Same with cats! I have heard people say (my age), "I'm not getting a cat because it will live longer than I might!". Seriously? Like you said, situations change all the time and pets are surrendered for lots of reasons. Good for the 80 year old that got the pup. I bet her life is joy-filled watching those puppy dog antics! xo Diana

Lin said...

I always think it a good idea to have a backup plan for any animal that you adopt--no matter your age or situation. I have agreements with my daughter to take the kitties should something happen to us. I did the same with my mom and her kitty--I'd take him in if something happened to her.

The only thing bad about having an elder adopt a puppy is the physical ability to train it. My grandpa had a puppy and he'd sleep in very late each day...waking to a puddle on the floor. It took FOREVER to potty train the poor thing because my grandpa couldn't get to the door fast enough to get the dog out. I'd hate to see a puppy be given up because the elder couldn't train it properly. BUT...that said....I think as long as everyone understands the responsibilities and can handle it, they should be allowed to adopt.

I'm glad you have a new friend! Bounce is absolutely adorable. You are lucky to have each other!

Shug said...

Your "Bounce" is so cute and I love the outfit on him. There would certainly be a lot of dogs/animals on the streets or in shelters, if it were not for older people. Before my dad passed away, he was in a Alzheimer's facility and there were two dogs that were permanent dogs for the facility. They were allowed to come in and roam from room to room, wherever they were loved on. It was one of the Best things ever for the men and women who were there. I'm guessing that Bounce is in a super good place and is taken care of and loved so very much...

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love your funny is that! And a person has the right to adopt any age dog! What a thing for someone to say! SHISH! Anyway....99 is old! hahaha!

Rita said...

I agree. The 80 year old might have family members or a dear friend who'd be more than happy to take the dog should the need arise. And the dog may keep that 80 year old going a lot longer. People don't always know the full story but they make judgments.

Granny Marigold said...

I'm sure Bounce did an excellent job of crowd control in his cute Security outfit.
He was so fortunate to end up in your home.

Ann said...

Bounce is quite a snappy dresser. Some people have a lot of nerve criticising other people for their choices. I think it's up to the individual person. No matter what your age if you want a puppy and can give it a happy and healthy home then I say go for it.

Cynthia said...

Your pup looks so cute in his shirts! What a trooper — ours wouldn’t cooperate with that. Anyone who takes in an unwanted pet of any age and gives it a loving home is a hero, I think.

LEfting said...

We adopted a rescued puppy from Mexico when we were in our late 60's. I had a serious talk with our daughter before we adopted and she happily agreed to take the puppy if/when the time comes that we can't look after her. (Our daughter is an animal person, too...the apple didn't fall far from the tree!) We've had our Ginger pup for 4 years now, she is wonderful and we love her so much!

Retired Knitter said...

We have an older cat now - adopted as a kitten when we were younger - with his brother. I suspect once this cat is gone, I may consider another adoption but it would be an older dog or cat. I agree with the idea that I want my home to be my forever home for any animal, but I am 72 and know that now for sure the chances increase that I might not be able to care for a pet till the end of their lives. HOWEVER, I am blessed with 2 adult kids who love animals - have several of their own - and they have vowed that no pet of mine would land in a shelter. They would adopt the animal themselves OR take it upon themselves to find it a loving home. I am content with that idea. And I will haunt them if they don't honor that promise! Hahaha. Regardless, no one really knows what tomorrow brings, BUT I believe that responsible pet ownership MUST include planning for the future to the best of our abilities - the world does not revolve around us - we share that world with others - some of those others grow fur - and we must do our best to look for their future as well as our own.

Arkansas Patti said...

As long as the senior has a plan B--go for it. Even saying that, I wish at 75 I had adopted an older dog, possibly one whose owner had passed. However I adopted a year old dog. Now I am 80 and though I have a plan B for her, I still am concerned about Callie's future.

Jeanie said...

Bounce is pretty darned cool! Love his security ensemble!

I agree about older pets for older people. I have a plan should something happen to me before Lizzie departs so she'll be fine. But so many don't. Which isn't to say a pet may not be left behind but still... I always wonder if I'd get another pet and we'll see. Hopefully I don't have to decide for a long while.

Thanks so much for coming over to see me! I tried to reply personally to the email connected with your post but it bounced back. I always appreciate your visits!

Susan Kane said...

Maybe she did not want to see an older dog die. Having a puppy may be exhausting, but then enlivening.

Linda said...

The last dog we had was a senior adoption. We are seniors and adopted a senior.
I'm happy you have Bounce. He's a keeper!

only slightly confused said...

Bounce is a cutie.

Liz Hinds said...

And the one on the left looks rather like Sherlock Holmes. Well done you for getting a dog and well done to the woman who's taken on a puppy. I'm sure it will bring new life to her, and happiness as Bounce has done for you.

If you like to read you may enjoy my book, The Dog-walking Club. I wouldn't normally advertise like this but it's very doggy!

kath001 said...

We moved from a ranch to a semi-rural neighborhood (the lots are 3 to 5 acres and horses are allowed). We brought our three, senior, large-breed ranch dogs with us to our new home. My husband knew that I have missed my little Jack Russell who passed away years ago, and he kept asking me if I wanted another one yet. I just couldn't force a rambunctious JR puppy on our old, country, peace-loving dogs. But when the last one of them passed, we got our new JR pup. We were about 58 and 62 then, and I guess I hadn't counted on US being old dogs too! Oh my, our little JR was almost more than I could handle. Though I was not new to a JR living in our house, this one's energy level exceeded my previous experience, but he was never destructive, and he knows what his toys are, and only plays with them (when a new toy comes into the house, you would think it was Christmas morning!) He is three years old now, and boy do his antics keep us entertained! He sings and dances and does other tricks. He loves to bark at the deer and squirrels, and to play with the grandkids when they come over. But from here on out, I think our puppy days are behind us, and if we ever do bring another dog into our family, I'm pretty sure it will be an older adoptee.

R's Rue said...


Kim said...

Hello Bounce! My dad adopted two dogs, a six years old samoyed and a husky, named Melly and Lucky ♥

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

What a sweet story and cute dog. We lost our last senior cat in Nov and thought we'd adopt a senior cat as we are seniors as well. What happened when we visited the shelter was affection and kisses from 2-7mth old kitten litter mates. The rest is history.

Maebeme said...

Bounce is a real cutie! I'm not a dog person and I'm down to two cats. I'm not sure, once they are gone, whether I'd bring another animal into my home. Not because I fear they would outlive me but because I'm selfish and want to be able to travel and head out whenever I please.

Little Wandering Wren said...

I'd just love Bounce to bits too - you make a fair comment about adopting a dog at any age, they are for life and you have given Bounce a second chance and in return, I bet your life has been enhanced a million times! We have our Crazy Poodle who we have left with our adult kids in our Aussie house since we moved to Bangkok. There isn't a day here I don't miss him terribly but we couldn't bring him. We decided the best dog home I know is our home and whilst it would make sense for everyone if we rented somewhere smaller, he's literally got the best seat in the house now.
Enjoy that wagging tail with your security guard!
Wren x

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Honestly, people seem to have negative opinions about everything these days. That 80 year old could live to be 100 while the person complaining might be 40 and be gone tomorrow. Nothing is guaranteed. Let people do what is right for them. It just makes me so crazy how everyone is so ready to attack. I'm glad you adopted a sweet dog who was a little older. Already potty trained and loves everyone is the perfect kind of pet to have. They bring such joy to our lives, that's for sure. :)

Lark said...

Bounce is darling! :)

BECKY said...

Love Bounce and his outfits! Happy for you!

Mari said...

Hi Terra! So glad you stopped at my blog. A few months ago I lost all my blog friends info when my bloglovin account went crazy! So I haven't been able to visit you. Bounce is very cute and I'm glad you got him. He is so well dressed. :) Happy for both of you!

My Tata's Cottage said...

Bounce is perfect! Love his outfits! Cuteness. People are so darn opinionated. I love seeing animals find homes with people who love them. No one is guaranteed to be here tomorrow. No matter what the age. Thanks for your sweet post. Happy Weekend! HUGS

Ramana Rajgopaul said...

We, that is 76 year old decrepit me and late forties son and daughter in love together have two dogs at home. One is seven years old and came to us with both hind legs fractured and today you can not tell that she was in that condition. The other is a seven month old totally blind pup who is teaching us all about managing a handicapped pet. If anything were to happen to either of them, I would be devastated.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Congratulations, I am so happy for you! Bounce is so cute, and so are his outfits. I think it is so important that when we want a pet, we adopt from a shelter and safe a life! No matter the age, as long as they have a loving home. It is even better to adopt an older dog, as most people only want puppies.

Anonymous said...

I for one, would have also adopted an older dog. I love his name (and his outfits)...:)jp

Saimi said...

Oh my goodness I love Bruce!!! His outfits are perfect, especially the security one! Dogs bring so much love and joy into a home and adopting an older dog is great. We have had three adopted dogs and they were all at least 2 when we got them. It's perfect, as the puppy stage can be a bit crazy haha. I'm glad you have Mr. Bruce and I know he is equally happy. Our neighbors just got a puppy for Christmas and they are older and travel a lot. At first I was wondering what they were thinking but I'm so glad I have a neighbor dog. When she knows I"m in the back yard she scratches at the fence so I open the adjoining gate and give her some loves. When her people travel she spends her time with their grandchildren. A win, win for everyone! My 14 year old Miniature Schnauzer just passed away and I"m not feeling the urge to have a dog just yet. We'll see.

Carola Bartz said...

I'm sure Bounce is a wonderful companion! What a cutie pie he is.
I honestly don't understand all the people who always have to criticize someone else for doing something that does not agree with their view. This just makes me tired and impatient.
I hope you will have many more happy years with Bounce!

Sandi said...

I love that he has little outfits! :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Bounce is adorable, so glad you found each other. here we have seniors adopting seniors, some weeks it is free, but always a discount. so silly to say don't get a puppy. we wanted a senior because we are both seniors and they are already trained and we are not really up to romping with a puppy. of course we like big dogs and they are different than getting a small dog puppy.... all of our dogs 6, of them now in 35 years were rescue dogs.... younger when we were younger.