Thursday, June 15, 2017

Books from Library Book Sale

Seven books from the library book sale last weekend. I was good to limit my purchases to seven since sometimes I buy more than 20 books and I am buying faster than I can read. I added 3 pretty postcards to the photo, which I bought online to mail to my dear pen pals.
These books look great. Two collections of my favorite comedic writer, P.G. Wodehouse, "Tales From the Drones Club" and "Wodehouse Is the Best Medicine." Wodehouse lifts my mood to smiles.
"I Dreamed of Africa" a memoir by Kuki Gallmann. The author moved from Italy to Kenya years ago and at the time of writing was living on her huge ranch with her daughter and eight dogs. There are plenty of photos which I appreciate. The book was published in 1991 and is a tribute to the memory of her husband and son.
"The Tiger Ladies: A Memoir of Kashmir" by Sudha Koul. She recalls when Hindus and Muslims lived peacefully side by side in Kashmir, as opposed to recent headlines of Muslim violence.
"Corduroy Mansions" by Alexander McCall Smith. There is a cute dog on the cover, looks like a beagle puppy. I like every book I have read by Smith, about 20 so far.
"Born Standing Up" a memoir by Steve Martin. My friend listened to the audio version of this and loved it.
"Not So Funny When It Happened: The Best of Travel Humor and Misadventure" edited by Tim Cahill.
I see I chose mostly humor and memoirs. Who else likes these genres? Did you find any book bargains this week?


kath001 said...

That adorable puppy on McCall Smith's book is a Jack Russell named Freddie de la Hay, at least his character's name in the book is. As I recall, the character was not a puppy, but an older dog, so not sure why the cover shows the puppy except that it definitely sells books (I bought it too and paid full price!) :)

You remind me that I have a long list of cards to get in the mail today. Hope your day is as beautiful as we are enjoying here in Texas.

Jennifer said...

Terra, I ADORE P.G. Wodehouse! (You may know that already). His books can always me laugh! Speaking of which, have you read "Good Night, Mr. Wodehouse" by Faith Sullivan? I know you have more reading material than you know what to do with already, but you should definitely buy or borrow this one. I think you'll love it!

Have a wonderful day!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh, you found some great books! I just updated my Goodreads page and thought of you. Have you read the mysteries by Rex Stout? I just finished the first one today and it was SO good...very old fashioned and good. I bought a few books in the library lobby yesterday, one of them was a Susan Branch book. I love her! Happy reading!

donna baker said...

Kind of Terra. I am having a tough time again finding books. I heard about LINCOLN IN THE BARDO as being the book of all books, got half way through and gave it away. Guess I am hopeless. I did just get $10.00 off of Al Franken's new book so that was a deal.

only slightly confused said...

I used to go crazy buying i just put them on my Kindle.

Barb said...

Ilove me a library sale, even though I have a kidle. My son used to sell used books on Amazon, and the book searching was the best part. Since the kindle I usually aim for craft books or religious books now.

HappyK said...

I love all Alexander McCall Smith's books especially the 44Scotland Street series with Bertie.

Harvee aka Gerry said...

Library book sales are the best!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

That looks like a very interesting pile of books to read!! I guess I need to pay more attention to our library book sales. I'm too busy just checking them out for free...but I know someone has to help support them!! Have fun reading!

Lowcarb team member said...

Book sales are good.
You seem to have done well - happy reading!

All the best Jan

diane b said...

Happy reading. I love memoirs.

Cynthia said...

Ooooh, you found some good ones! I get almost all my books from the library or once in a while I treat myself to one on my iPad if I am going to be traveling but I used to love to own the real thing, too. Enjoy!

Little Wandering Wren said...

I would like that last book, sounds right up my street! Have fun reading them all!
Wren x

Little Penpen said...

I just love library sales! Looks like you found some good ones to read. Our library gives away free magazines too.

Angela said...

I love library book sales. And I have the same problem you do. I buy books faster than I can read them. I tried to limit my book buying at the last library book sale, by taking less cash with me than I normally take. But I got there and they were having a buy-one-get-one-free sale on 2 different genres. I don't have as much self control as you have, so I ended up buying 21 books.

Anonymous said...

Steve Martin is SUCH a genius. His writing is as great as his acting and banjo playing.And Wodehouse--what more could you ask for at that sale???