Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Dreaming in the Garden

Sometimes I gather the chaise lounge cushion, set it on the lounge in dappled shade, find a book to read and head out to the patio.
At the foot of the chaise lounge this is what I see.

Do you like to relax on your patio or lawn, or anywhere special in your yard like I do?
A cool drink is always welcome too, and any favorite book.
Can you see the blue bird playing a saxophone? I got him in honor of my dad who played alto saxophone and clarinet, and earned money for expenses while attending college by playing in a jazz group. 
The yellow lilies are tiger lilies and they have tiny brown spots on their petals. I planted them in honor of my mom, as she always grew them. The tiny gnome sitting on a pot edge has a story; he lay for many years under a cover of leaves in my garden. Last month I saw his blue legs and thought it was a long lost toy. But no, it is a garden gnome, returned to sit with his plants on my patio.
Happy Garden Dreaming.


Laurie said...

What a peaceful place to sit Terra, and I love your little gnome and bluebird, it's always so personal and special when we have little things in our gardens that bring back special memories and loved ones. I sit often on my parents swing that is now in my yard; in front of it is my St. Francis Prayer Garden, in memory of my sister. I find peace there.

highheeledlife said...

Dearest Terra ... I 'm so with you on enjoying a good book, relaxing time and a cool or warm beverage while enjoying the sites of our gardens and forest. We have set up resting spots throughout our property and it is magical.

Your gnome is adorable ~ great garden friends. And I love the history behind your bird ornament.

Wishing you a wonderful week..xo Hugs and blessings, C. (HHL)

Anonymous said...

such a beautiful relaxing post,

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

I love to relax on my deck but have very few flowers on it. I just bought one lavender plant in a pot and that's about it! I do have trees all around me though which makes up for my lack of gardening skills.

GardenOfDaisies said...

It is so nice to have a garden space to relax in. One of my favorite things to do is sit out on our deck and sip tea, surrounded by all the flowers in bloom while the wind chimes tinkle and the leaves on the trees rustle in the breeze. I like your little gnome, too.

Lynda said...

I really don't like to sit outside until the weather is cooler with a breeze - - whether in spring or fall. In the summertime, the humidity is high and the mosquitoes abound in our wooden area. During these months, my favorite place to relax is in the recliner in our den with a good book!

Anne said...

some really pretty pictures on this post. I like to relax on a two seater chair on our small patio which gets all the sun.Its quite private because it is surrounded by trellising upon which are lots of climbers.

Anonymous said...

You have a wonderful spot for putting up your feet!

Tete said...

When you surround yourself with things that mean something instead of because its what's hot right now is the best place to be. Reminders of being loved for all the right reasons...there's nothing more relaxing and calming than that. Taking time to be with your parents. We all need hugs and your patio is so full of them. I love the bird with the sax, but even more because of the story behind it...;)

Nellie said...

It looks like a refreshing spot to relax.

Denise said...

Lovely view.

Blondie's Journal said...

Your patio is wonderful and what a great view. You definitely have a green thumb and I think a little whimsy in the garden is always fun! I enjoy the peacefulness on my patio doing the same things you do. Sometimes I get so relaxed that I don't even bother to read, just relax and dream! :)


Tales of Whimsy said...

What a truly lovely spot you have to read!

Susan said...

You have a lovely piece of paradise, right there in your back yard. Susan

Jo said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. What a lovely view you have when you're relaxing in your garden. I find it quite hard to relax in the garden, I always see things which need doing so I'm forever up and down.

Curtains in My Tree said...

Hello Terra

I seen you over at Ivy & Elephants and thought I would say Hi

my daughter's name is Terra most the time its Tara

my oldest daughter thinks gnomes are so cute

I like your patio of plants also I love sitting outside early morning drinking coffee and playing with my plants



Great photos. I think the little gnome must have been calling you. He was tired of sleeping in the leaves and was ready to get up and play. :)

Yes, I love to relax outside but usually I have to get up and tend to some garden thing. I get kind of restless I guess. But relaxing is good.

Two Cottages And Tea said...

Such a relaxing spot to enjoy the outdoors! You have lots of special items to decorate with and they have lots of sentimental value to them. Thank you for sharing!

Diane Writes said...

Great and refreshing view. I would love to switch places even for a while.

have a great day Terra!

Simply Shelley said...

I sit on my porch and day dream,I sometimes call it my sanctuary :) Your spot is lovely.....blesssings friend.

Hootin Anni said...

Yes, I do, I do love to be outdoors. Lounging, gardening, watching birds at the feeder; enjoying life, and nature.

Your view is magical!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I sit in my swing in the back yard and look out over the pool and watch the sun come up. when the weather is not to hot, I take my kindle and sit there... love that little fat bluebird... and would very much like your view as you read....

Friko said...

A lovely spot to dream away a lazy afternoon.
Yes, I too have my favourites, out of the sun, hidden from intruders, I linger over my thoughts.

NanaNor's said...

Looks so inviting and wonderful! We don't have shade in our back yard(or a chaise for that matter)so this is not something I do...but I do sit out and read.
Thanks for sharing; have a wonderful weekend.

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

It all looks so pretty! I like how you explained how items in your space are special to you and remind you of your parents.

Yes, I do love to read outside on the patio. We are planning on redoing our backyard soon, including a new patio, and I can't wait.

Thanks so much for coming over to see me.

Kathy M.

The Old Parsonage said...

Looks and sounds divine! Love the little tribute to your sweet Daddy!

No relaxing on our end yet this year - it's coming though:)


Amrita said...


myletterstoemily said...

i don't usually do that until we go
to the mountains. our climate is
much to warm and humid.

Cindy said...

Thank you for visiting my blog so I could find yours! I enjoyed this post and photos, especially the sax reference as my son also played the sax (bari, tenor and alto) and is majoring in music in college this fall. My husband is also a tenor sax player.

A Colorful World said...

What a perfect view from your lounge chair as you read! Loved the yellow lilies. And I know that gnome was happy to be found! :-)

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

I love how you found your garden gnome. It looks like the perfect relaxing place.

Ricki Treleaven said...

Your patio is beautiful! I wish we had one. We're on a steeply sloped lot, so we only have a deck.

WHat a pretty place to enjoy a good book!

Thanks for visiting my blog!


CIELO said...

Lovely garden... very relaxing and peaceful....
