Friday, May 24, 2024

Sigrid Nunez, Anne Tyler and Edmund Crispin: A Perfect Trio of Novels

 Did you ever read three books in a row that you liked very much and read quickly? That happened to me recently. Often I read excellent books but rather slowly. The three I found to be page turners are Breathing Lessons by Anne Tyler, The Friend by Sigrid Nunez and Buried for Pleasure by Edmund Crispin. 


Breathing Lessons centers around Maggie and her husband Ira in a 24 hour period. They attend a funeral in the morning and pay a surprise visit to their ex-daughter-in-law and grandchild age 7 in the afternoon. Maggie is a force of nature, she is known for trying to fix and change people and hopeless situations, sometimes with disastrous results.


My favorite of this trio of books is The Friend by Sigrid Nunex. I had not read any books written by this author so was delighted to find this book so refreshing and interesting. It is about a woman writing in the first person and the dog Apollo, a Great Dane dog she is stuck with, and her relationship as a dear male friend of many years to Apollo's owner. Apollo is wonderful. Nunez writes perceptively as the main character thinks while watching dogs play: You know nothing of envy. No yearnings or nostalgia. No regrets. You really are a different species.


I had not read any of the Gervase Fen mysteries by Edmund Crispin, and Buried for Pleasure              was fun to read. Fen is a light hearted Oxford Don and amateur detective and there are 10 books in this series. Fen was bored with his routine of teaching and decided to run for MP in a small rural area. During his campaign he works to solve several murders and mysteries, and starts to hope he will lose the election. Fen's quips and thoughts are entertaining.

If you have found some great books to read let me know about them.


acorn hollow said...

I will keep these books in mind I need to find another good book. I have tried a couple lately and they just could not keep my interest.

Sam said...

You are on a great run. It really feels good to get into that kind of rhythm...almost scary when it happens to me because I sometimes find myself wondering when it will end and whether or not I'm about to go on the exact opposite kind of run. Just as I do when I experience several bad books in a row I wonder whether it's more about me than the author. I do the same for a nice little string of really good books. Weird reaction, I know.

Ann said...

Can't say that I've ever read a book very fast. There have been times when I've gotten to the end of a really good one that it seemed liked I got through it fast though.

Mari said...

Thanks for the reviews! They all sound good.

Sandi said...

Breathing Lessons.

Somehow that title tells a whole story in and of itself.

DawnTreader said...

The name Anne Tyler rings a bell, I might have read something by her in the past - but no idea what. The others are unknown to me.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

That last one sounds interesting!

Liz Hinds said...

I have read The Friend, and like the sound of the Gervase Fen book too.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

I like the look of the Edmund Crispin book.

Happy@Home said...

Hi Terra, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love to read so enjoyed hearing about these books. I have read six of Anne Tyler's books, but not this one. I will be on the lookout for it. In fact the last book I read was Digging to America by AT. I liked it, although I wouldn't say it was my favorite of hers.

Pam said...

Oh, I love anything by Anne Tyler! She can do no wrong... I've heard of the last one, but not the middle one.

TheAwakenedSoul said...

Reading is wonderful, isn't it? I'm reading a book called, Tending the Wild. It goes into the history of the Native Americans in California. They were so connected to the land. It is sad to hear how horribly they were treated. I knew some of the history, but am now learning about much further back in time, with the Spaniards. It is eye opening.

Buttercup said...

Love Anne Tyler, but haven't read this one. I'm putting it on my endless to-read list.

Britta said...

Dear Terra, first of all: Happy Birthday!
I hope to fid your promised "dandelions photo" soon. And I read a lot of Edmund Crispin, because I write about detective novels.

diane b said...

You must be an avid reader to have read three books so quickly. They all sound like interesting reads and My husband would love the last one. Must try to find this author in our library.Thanks for visiting my blog.

Hanielle Baker said...

All books are interesting! I'll gonna find it in bookstores!

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