Sunday, February 10, 2013

Valentine Cookies

Valentine Cookies
Originally uploaded by Bisayan lady

I think of Valentines Day and I think of hearts and flowers, and especially roses and carnations.
These cookies have both hearts and flowers.
Poets write of gardens as places for lovers to meet, as when Alfred, Lord Tennyson wrote “Come into the garden, Maud, I am here at the gate alone.”

Romeo and Juliet, Pyramus and Thisbe, Adam and Eve, all spent time in gardens.

Claude Monet wrote of his flowers “More than anything, I must have flowers, always, always.”

Happy Valentines Day to you.

If perchance you are alone or heart broken at this time, remember “Jesus calls me His friend” John 15:15 and “I am part of Jesus’ flock and He is my Shepherd / Leader.” Psalm 23:1


LV said...

Enjoy your cookies with someone you love.

It's Just Dottie said...

I love Valentines Day!!!!
Smiles, Dottie

Michelle said...

Sweet looking cookies and such a wonderful verse for today.

happyone said...

Those cookies are almost too pretty to eat.
Great Bible verse!!

Connie said...

Happy Valentine's Day and thank you for sharing those lovely verses.

Susan said...

Oh, Tera, those look so good. Like Dottie, I love Valentine's Day, too. Happy Love Day to YOU! Susan

Kate said...

'Come into the garden, Maude' -- my father used to sing that to my mum, with a silly look on his face! Lovely childhood memory of mine. Thanks for reminding me. He also used to say ' There's a garden at the bottom of my fairy'. Ha.

Tete said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you! Love your post- the cookies are fun- and for reminding those that they are not really alone.

Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

To paraphrase a saying of Buddha, in the end we shall be judged by how much we have loved. Of course, to love and to lose is painful but not to love at all is not an option.

Love makes the world go round....but your heart shaped biscuits may help...!!!!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Sweet cookies for sure.

I am alone this year but still am planning to fix a lovely dinner just for myself, and the company of Jesus, and the wonderful memories of my dear husband of 43 years.


Wanda said...

My favorite "Garden" verse is from Song of Solomon 7:12 "Let us go early to the vineyards (gardens) and see if the vines have budded, if their blossoms have opened, and if the pomegranates are in bloom ~ there I will give you my love."
About 13 years ago, I was longing for a closer intimacy with the Lover of my Soul, and this verse led me there.
I would rise early int the morning 4:30 before getting ready for work, and slip into "my vinyard, my garden" which was a little glass table tucked in the corner of our large living room. I even had flowers and fake grapes on the table. There I pour out my heart to the Lord, and he met me in my garden and showed me his love in new and special ways.... and that's where the deeper walk began.

Nancy/BLissed-Out Grandma said...

I do like Valentine's Day, and I'm all for celebrating one's own worth and wonderfulness. Happy hearts-and-flowers day!

Denise said...

I enjoy valentines day.

Rebecca said...

Thanks so much for stopping by...
Love the verse for today and the cookies look so pretty.
I read the post about the flowering tea and found that to be amazing, I will have to look into that. I had not heard of that tea before.
Blessings today

Lynda said...

Those are pretty cookies. I am not a "big" cookie fan and would probably eat only two or three bites of any kind.

Tales of Whimsy said...

What a beautiful post! And those cookies look amazing.

Tales of Whimsy said...

Perfect scripture share btw.

Unknown said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you dear Sunshine. The cookies look yummy! Sparkles

Unknown said...

I ove cookies- they are my sweet-
and those are beautiful. Happy Valentine's Day. Sparkles

Anonymous said...

Oh, those do look like scrumptious cookies. Happy Valentine's Day to you and thank you for popping in to see me.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Beautiful post, and Happy Valentine's Day to you.

Love the Bible verse! said...

Wonderful verses. Hope you enjoy a day filled with love (and cookies).

Unknown said...

The most beautiful of all shares I've seen today ...
Happy Valentine's

June said...

Wasn't Monet the smartest of men dear Terra? I so agree...but they are always nice with cookies too :)

sending hugs on this day of love...

Unknown said...

Interesting blog. Welcome to
:) Happy Valentine's day!

NanaNor's said...

Love these cookies! From my home to yours Happy Valentine's Day!

Beth Niquette said...

Hello, my dear! Thank you for your sweet comment on my Crunchy Hearts blog. ((hugs)) Happy Valentine's Day! (grin)

Amrita said...

Love from Amrita

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

So nice to meet you Tera.
What a lovely post.. Monet's quote has always been one of my favorites. I am a new reader of yours, thank you for following along with me..


Rebecca said...

All I need is a cup of coffee for "dunking" those cookies in :)

Lady Linda said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog via Stephanie! She is a sweetie. I love your cookies and the verse you left. I hope you have a good week ahead.

Linda said...

Hi Terra,

Do you pronounce your name as it sounds or like my Tara does- gone with the wind version? LOL! Thanks for stopping by today! I hope you got your plants!! Way too early here! Bob was watering as it is warmer today and we were looking at my Angel White Lilac tree, OMG it has buds way too early! We are going to have watch it and cover it when it snows again. Have a great week!! Cookies look yummy!!
Should've taken a photo of mine- but they were gone so quickly!
XO Linda

Gail Dixon said...

What a beautiful post. Hope you have a blessed week!

Catherine said...

I hope you are having a wonderful February!
xo Catherine

Anonymous said...

The cookies look wonderful! Hope you had a very Happy Valentine's Day!

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Hi Terra, what a neat blog that you have! Thanks for stopping by to say hello, and for following me. I am your newest follower too. Hope that your Valentine's Day was great.

Kathy M.

Shug said...

This is a sweet post... The cookies look great and your words are perfect.

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Always love when you stop by...
I am so trying to get back into regular blogging....

R's Rue said...

Great Bible verse!

Anonymous said...

Your love for literature is so apparent in you posts! I fell in love with reading as an adult and now I can't put books down. Right now I'm reading
One Perfect Word by Debbie Macomber
It's fabulous!
Happy Blogging

Annesphamily said...

A lovely sentiment! I am gearing up for Friday March 1st! My goodness, where did the time go?