Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Winner of my book is ...

Originally uploaded by Donald Macleod

Ring those bells as I announce the winner of the give away of a copy of my book "Scrapbook of Motherhood Firsts: Stories to Celebrate and Wisdom to Bless Moms."
The winner is Lori of Apple Grove Treasures.
You know the saying "the early bird gets the worms", well, Lori left the first comment and she gets the book (not the worms).
My book is a hardcover and has full color on each page, plus plenty of humor. We moms need to giggle often!


Anonymous said...

Congrats to Lori!

Vicki said...

Hi, Terra, and congratulations to Lori for winning your wonderful book. Mother's Day is just around the corner, and I know she will enjoy getting a good giggle from your stories. Thank you for your kind friendship and welcome visits to my Bunny Cottage. Enjoy the rest of your week! Vicki

Chatty Crone said...

Congrats Lori! sandie

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Lori. Cheers sue

Connie said...

Neat picture! Congratulations to Lori. Plenty of humor sounds good to me. :)

My Grama's Soul said...

Lucky Lori.....good for her.



Buttercup said...

Lori is a lucky duck! I'm so enjoying this book.

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

That's so awesome! Congrats to Lori.

Debbie said...

Cogratulations to the winner! I've been so absent in blog land of late that I missed the chance. Serves me right to over commit, doesn't it?

Jen Beaudet said...

Congratulations to Lori! I'm going to ship your's tomorrow! Take care!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Woohoo...Congratulations to that lucky Lori!!! This will be a book she can treasure forever!

Have a bountiful blessed day sweetie!!! :o)

Andrea said...

I just came in via Las Aventuras bloglist, as i just made a new site. I laughed because we have the same template, haha! Good to see you. I haven't seen a skunk, and that one looks so beautiful it doesn't look like it has an odor. It even looks like a lovely pet.

Unknown said...

I just wanted to come by and say thank you so much for the win, I can't wait to read this book, it sound amazing!

Nancy's Notes said...

Congratulations to Lori! Woo hoo!