Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Friend

Originally uploaded by Meir Jacob | מאיר יעקב

I discovered this poem, which I consider PERFECT, and hope you like it too.

Friend is a word of Royal tone;
Friend is a Poem all alone.                            by A Persian Poet

I dedicate this post to all my friends, both here in blogland and those who live near me and who I see in person. I love you guys.


the wild magnolia said...

A wonderful poem of friendship! I love it!

Thank you for sharing!

the wild magnolia said...

Oh, I almost forgot, I love, love, love the picture too! :)

xinex said...

Wonderful poem, Terra. Thanks for dedicating it to all of us!..Christine

TAILS of TANKENE said...

Sunshine I love you and your poem too. Sparkles

Chatty Crone said...

And don't you just loves friends?


stefanie said...

what a sweet post!!! thanks for the visit!

koralee said...

Your image is darling and that poem so special...thanks for sharing..Friend. xoxo

Amrita said...

I like Persian poetry it is very popular in India.

Thank you Terra

Wandering Writer said...

Love the poem. Lately I've had the old Girl Scout song going through my head: "Make new friends but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold." I'd rather think of my friends as platinum though ;-)

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

That was a wonderful poem. A true friend is someone to be treasured!

You have a marvelously blessed day my friend :o)

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

Awww, great picture and poem!

Stella Jones said...

Yes Terra, all the Persian poems I've heard are all very good, although some are very long. Ha ha that sounds like I've heard lots doesn't it! and I haven't but you know what I mean.
Thank you for your comments on my Churchy posts.
Blessings, Star

Toyin O. said...

Lovely peom.

Linda said...

Hi Terra,
Thank you for dropping by my blog. Quotes are wonderful aren't they!
Beautiful poem on friendship.Thank you for sharing.
Enjoy your evening.

Unknown said...

Love the poem, Terra, says it all so beautifully.

Have a beautiful Thanksgiving ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

Anonymous said...

love this poem
i am your newest follower
and i know we will be FRIENDS :)

thanks for stopping by to visit
BEAR's pity party
that girl is so spoiled
she needs no pity but love the look
she gives when she's in the DOG HOUSE :)

come visit us again :)

Vicki said...

Hi, Terra, and thank you for sharing this beautiful friendship poem. Thank you for your friendship, dear one!! Have a happy week and blessed Thanksgiving~ love always~ Vicki

Jane Kennedy Sutton said...

What a great photo and lovely poem. It’s amazing how a few words can say so much.

Anonymous said...

Love the poem, thanks so much for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Hi Terra, Very nice and I am thankful to have met you through your blog! Have a wonderful day.

Auntie Cake said...

Hi Terra,
Thanks for stopping by, I have been the worst blogger lately, computer problems, camera problems, then life just got busy! I feel like I need to catch up with everything that has happened to everyone while my computer was taking a break!

Love the pics your hubby took while on vacation in Connecitut, I am thinking I need to take a fall journey there, wow! It looks so charming and beautiful.

Your bar recipe has me rummaging through my empty cupboards. I wish you lived next door so I could just run over and snitch one from ya!

Enjoy this weekend, with Thanksgiving, I have a lot to be thankful for,

Buttercup said...

So glad I am catching up with my blog friends. This is lovely! Blessings and good wishes!

Unknown said...

Terra, what a beautiful poem! thank you for all your kindness throughout the year!

livinginbetween said...

That is a beautiful poem! And I love the picture too.