Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Chihuahuas, Kohlrabi, New Orchid, Cartoon, Friends and Family Meet During Covid


Bounce looks like the pup on the fourth step from the bottom, on the far left. I have been thinking about adopting a Chihuahua friend for Mr. B., and like the looks of long haired Chihuahuas. This photo has a wonderful diversity of pups, but no long haired ones.  When my energy level is high I am inspired to adopt a second dog, when my energy is low I think oh no, two dogs to walk and one person! Two to feed plus my cat, and take to the vet, and I am 77, so my age is a consideration. I am happy with my Bouncey so maybe he will remain my only pup. We shall see.

Who else likes kohlrabi? That and parsnips are two of my favorite root vegetables. I peeled these, sliced them, and ate them raw and sprinkled with salt. Delicious.

Above is my newest orchid, quite a splashy beauty. They are easy care if you have an east facing window. Just feed and water them every two weeks. Usually the flowers last six weeks so that is an economical way for me to keep flowers in my kitchen. I have 10 orchids which bloom at different times.

My sons and Bounce and I had fun recently, we met at my house and walked to a new favorite restaurant for dinner to celebrate my oldest son's birthday. We ate on their spacious covered deck and dogs are welcome. They have a limited menu with delicious food and this is our second visit there. 

Yesterday I had our bi-monthly Zoom meeting with two colleagues from the university. We are all retired now and keep up our tradition of meeting via Zoom and in person for lunches. Each Thursday I meet another friend for tea and a treat at my favorite coffee shop, the one on church grounds with a patio surrounded by huge gardens and a view of the ocean. Because of Covid we prefer to meet outdoors, whether for coffee or for lunch at restaurants with outdoor seating. How is your week going?


  1. Chihuahuas are my favorites, but are expensive. There's no free adoption of this pup in my area.
    :..sliced...and sprinkled with salt. delicious." Well, at our age, salt is a killer. I don't add it to food.

  2. I'm loving that first image/meme. Yep, I'd love to afford adopting lots of furbabies. Depending on the day, I alternately love/hate having two babies. They're little mates; each other's best friends. But lawdy, between professional grooming and veterinary bills they're expensive. I've no advice but to follow your heart!

  3. Chihuahuas are lovely pets, lots of personality. I tend to think, though, they rract to each other with cat attitude.
    Happy Oldest Birthday!
    Walking to dinner is perfect.

  4. Your orchids are gorgeous!! As for kohlrabi. I haven't tasted any since I was a child and my Mom grew it in her garden. I liked it then and probably would now as well.

  5. I have never eaten kohlrabi. I should buy one at the grocery store and try it sometime. Love that gorgeous orchid!

  6. O a lot of sweet little dogs!

    You are 77? This is a good age! I thought from the photos you are 50!

    I can uderstand your thoughts about a second dog. I also have animals, and I think its enough. Better less good, than a lot with trouble - The Lord will send to me what he wants, but I do myself no activity - - -

    Do you have 2 or three sons?

    You make fine plans with your friends.

    Here in Germany Covid starts a new war! 4 of my friends are ill now! Better stay in open air.

    Greetings and blessings from the Bavarian Forest

  7. I love kohlrabi, but it's pretty exotic (and pricy) in the produce sections at my local stores. When it was on sale for 99 cents a pound at the Asian market I scooped up a few.

  8. I've never heard of kohlirabi before.
    I like the pups. I hear chihuahua's are really good dogs.
    Funny Comic, with a bit of truth!

  9. Love the colour of your orchid.
    The dog, it's the vet fee that would get me.

  10. It is a splashy orchid and very nice.
    Hope Bounce is back to bouncing now.

  11. That's quite a "staircase". So many cute furry friends. We still miss our "Molly Girl" good we don't have a pet to care for in our lives right now.
    I've never heard of that "root veggie", but I love turnips! Raw with salt.

  12. It sounds like your live is busy and happy. We have no pets right now and I miss not having a dog. But with the price of vet bills we have held off.
    your orchids are lovely. I have never had much luck with them maybe I will give them another try. Happy birthday to your son

  13. We had the same concerns when we adopted our cat 2 years ago. She was the first adult cat we ever adopted. At 75 I have the same thought - should I adopt an animal at my age. I am glad we did. She is a bit of a character, but she needed home and we needed a pet! Mutual needs met.
