Friday, August 12, 2022

Photos I took of fog, sea, trees, fisherman near my home


I went out for tea with two friends at my favorite coffee shop and here are photos I took near my home in California. The above is my favorite as it shows the pretty wisps of fog on a sunny day. Do you see the fisherman and his umbrella? Below you can see him more clearly.

And two more photos, the first looking toward the boardwalk amusement park and wharf and the second is toward the direction of my house. I love the cooling wisps of fog; the fog photos I took at 9:45 a.m. before going inside to order tea and the sunny ones I took at 11 a.m. with the fog on the water pretty much all gone.


  1. Wow, that's some fog. And lucky you to be able to live so close to the ocean!

  2. I love fog near the sea, too. Actually, I love fog anywhere as long as I'm not driving. These are soothing photos. You captured the blue of the sky when the fog cleared. I love the sea, too - not for swimming. Usually my husband and I just walk along the shore - he taking pictures, I mentally starting poems.

  3. So pretty! I always love seeing pics with fog.

  4. What a mystical fog - and a wonderful blue sky! Great sea-place!

  5. Fantastic and beautiful! Lovely pictures!

  6. These are very nice and so lovely to see, yes see the fisherman.

  7. Lovely photos. I particularly like the fog.

  8. Beautiful views. Enjoy your day!

  9. Ooooooh Terra, what a beautiful area you live in. Absolutely gorgeous! The sky is so incredibly blue! I've always wanted to visit California. Perhaps one day. ~Andrea xoxo

  10. A kind of fog rarely seen here I think - but then I also live inland and not by the sea... Nice photos!

  11. Lovely photos...

    Love fog or mist or Dragon's Breath photos...

    What were the temps, I wonder?

  12. I enjoyed your photos VERY much. I share interest with you in scenes like that.

  13. You have to admire that fisherman!!! My grandson, Sam, fished in the rain last week - but he sat under the little entrance bridge for the cabins....

  14. Beautiful photos. It looks like a pleasant spot for fishing or just relaxing.

  15. First time I ever saw a fisherman in a chair with an umbrella. Now, that's my kind of fishing!

  16. Dear Terra, thank you for sharing these photographs that make me want to visit an ocean or a sea or a lake or a pond or even a quiet stream! Somewhere with water. And if there were fog, that would be like frosting on a carrot cake! Peace.

  17. Beautiful photos and clear skies.

    God bless.

  18. Oh, I enjoyed these photos so much! What a lovely place to go for tea with a friend. I did not realize you lived so close to the ocean! The fog out over the water is beautiful, and the man fishing adds a touch of realism to the mistiness. Love all of the photos. Thank you for sharing them with us!

  19. Wow your shots are Glorious dear Terra and look like beautiful paintings!
    Glad you had such nice time with friends at your favorite Cafe.
    More blessings to you

  20. Lovely photo's! The first one of fisherman could be a painting. It's so peaceful feeling. Sounds like you had a very nice outing with friends.
    Sandy's Space

  21. Thanks for visiting my blog - and a fellow Californian at that. I grew up in San Francisco and Pacifica so I know your area well. I do miss the fog. Here in the valley we get that tule fog in the winter - that causes all the multicar pileups on I-5.

    Nice to meet you.

  22. Lovely captures of beautiful sights!

  23. Beautiful photos. I have visited California twice, both times the San Diego area. I loved the weather. ;-) I visited in April both times.. and while it was mud season here in Wisconsin, I loved soaking in the California sunshine.

  24. I hope you’re well. I love your photos. Thought of you this morning.


  25. Hi Terra.
    Your pictures are beautful. How wonderful to be so close to the sea. When we visited Whitby in Yorkshire last week, there was a similar mist over the sea.
    Have a wonderful week.

  26. Wonderful photos! It is so good to see you here. Something about fog makes me sleepy.It is always my pleasure to stop by and say hello. Hope all is well on your end of this ole world.

  27. It looks like a lovely day at the coffee shop, Terra. I love a foggy and misty morning. The fog must have let up by the time you took the pictures, cause it looks like a clear day with blue skies. I hope the fire in So Cal is not near your home. Not sure if it's been contained yet or not.

    I hope you have happy September days.

