Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Knee Cap Dislocation for Bounce, Boba Ice Cream Bars, and Book Cartoon


Ha ha, whoever created this cartoon above must know me. I even use Little Free Libraries to give away and receive more books in addition to buying.

Above is a painting of Bounce, my darling companion. A few days ago he was peacefully standing at the patio door looking outside when he shrieked in pain. I was standing right next to him at that time. That was at 10:30 a.m.. Then at 1:30 he was standing still and again yelped with pain. I called the vet and they said bring him in in two days to our next available appointment. I said two days is a long time when he is is pain. The receptionist was kind and talked to the staff and they said I could bring in Bounce at 3:30 that day. At 3:00 he again yelped in pain. 

[Jennifer asked how old is Bounce, he is 10 so that is considered a senior dog. I adopted him, or he chose me, at a shelter 5 years ago and vets estimated he was five then. Bounce has plenty of pep for walks and he is feeling good now after several days of rest and meds.] It turns out many small senior dogs and large dogs too can have a knee cap dislocation. It is caused by genetics or injury. He was put on anti-inflammatory meds, and must rest for about a week. Rather boring, no two times a day walks. Below is Bounce in a box before the knee problem.

Here is a fun new ice cream bar I discovered at Safeway. The box says Brown Sugar Boba Ice Cream Bar and Made in Taiwan. Most of the box including company name is in Chinese. This is a yummy treat with the Boba in it. Three other tasty Boba flavors are Matcha, Pudding and Oolong Tea. A nice way to cool down on a summer day.


  1. Poor little Bounce! I hope his knee cap problem can be fixed? And what a fabulous painting! Did you do it?

  2. Awwwwww.... poor sweet Bounce! I will keep your little companion in my prayers for a complete & quick recovery, Terra. Please keep us posted, will you? ~Andrea xoxo

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about sweet Bounce. We do love our little fur babies. I'll pray for him to feel better and be pain free very soon.
    I'm the same way when it comes to books. I keep buying them even though I have so many left to read.

  4. Poor Bounce. Is he allowed a lick of ice cream?

  5. Poor Bounce! How old is he, Terra? I thought he was still young but maybe I'm mistaken.

  6. Poor pup. Glad you got some help for him.

  7. Poor Bounce! That sounds very painful. I hope the treatment helps.

  8. Aw, poor Bounce. I hope he's feeling better soon. I had no idea they could have a dislocated knee cap.

  9. Prayers Bounce heals well
    That must have been scary seeing him in pain like that.

  10. Poor puppy. I hope he heals quickly

  11. So sad to hear of Bounce's knee problems. Do they do knee replacements for animals? Anyway, here's hoping Bounce is bouncing around good as new really soon.

  12. That first cartoon is me too. I think it true of most book lovers. :)

  13. Thanks goodness your sweet Bounce got a visit at the vet in time. He is such a sweet friend. You did good help for him fighting for a visit at the vet in time. Get well soon, Bounce!

    I see you have nice fun, so I think, Bounce is recovering good. Greetings and blessings to you and Bounce from Dori from the Bavarian Forest.

  14. I manage a used bookstore and posted that to our Facebook last week.
    Do they know how he dislocated it? Did he jump or something?
    WE are warm in the 80s and humid, so ice cream sounds divine right now.

  15. Poor Bounce has lost his bounce. Hopefully it's only temporary.
    I'm always leery of things that only have Chinese writing on them.

  16. Poor bounce. I hope he heals well and quickly.

  17. Oh my, poor little thing do hope all will be well soon.

  18. You are among an elite group waiting for their 592nd birthday. I too am in that group.

  19. Feel better Bounce. Regine

  20. Sweet photo of him in the box! 😍

  21. I'm glad Bounce is doing better now. My granddogs are getting older--I am not looking forward to losing our Shep, Bernese mtn dog.

  22. Wishing Bounce a speedy recovery!

  23. My gr-daughters introduced us to Bobo (round balls of some tapioca stuff, floating in a liquid of choice. They now manage to get us to buy some, at $4/small, $6/med., no large.

  24. Sorry to read about Bounce and hope he is feeling much better by now. I will have to read about those ice creams online. They look so good.

  25. Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope the anti-inflamatory treatment will help Bounce feel much better:)

  26. Heartfelt sorry for your dear pet Bounce dear Terra!
    Realisation that pets too can feel the pain we feel in life makes me more close to these lovely creatures.
    I am touched by your deep affection towards your pet as the way you mentioned all the timing was Amazing.
    Wishing dear Bounce health joy in days ahead!
    Oh your new ice cream revelation sounds tempting. I wish i can eat ice cream but it seems impossible with stomach i have right now :(
    Hugs and blessings my friend!

  27. Our pets are our family and we hurt when they do. Hope your dog heals quickly.

    That ice cream bar looks delicious!
