Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Matthew McConaughey's Greenlights, Anne Lamott, Tom Ryan and a happy old dog

 Books. Reading. Reading. Books. Two of my favorite things.

"Greenlights", a memoir by Matthew McConaughey turned out to be even greater than I had hoped. Plus Mr. M. is such a handsome man, isn't he? One of my favorite movies of his is Mud, not his most acclaimed movie, but excellent. Mr. M is a man of honorable character as is revealed in his memoir. It is easy to read, fun, has family photos, and lots of his words of wisdom on helping us find our own greenlights. Some of the tips are duct taped to the page in photos. Very clever format. Below is a photo of one of the tips on a page of his book. The note says "Knowin the truth, seein the truth, and tellin the truth are all different experiences." (he drops the "g" in those words for a reason).

Here are three books I recently purchased and read, all written by authors I think are honorable people. Thus their books resonate with me, and I am happy when reading them and thinking about them afterward.

"Dusk, Night, Dawn" by Anne Lamott. I buy all of her memoir/Christian ideas books. She is a free spirit. In this one we learn that she married for the first time in her life at age 60 or so. She never thought she would marry. Her essays are always interesting.

"Will's Red Coat: The Story of One Old Dog Who Chose To Live Again" by Tom Ryan. Why did I only recently discover this author, who obviously has a great heart? His earlier book "Following Atticus" is a best seller and is also about a dog Ryan loves. I aim to read that one soon. These are nonfiction. Will is an old dog who was adopted when quite deaf and almost blind and he sure grows to enjoy life.  Ryan is so attentive to Will, one clever way he helped him was by playing classical music and setting Will's bed so Will rests his head against the table leg so that even though deaf, he enjoys the vibrations of the music.

I see that all three of these are memoirs. What book treasures have you found to share?


  1. I love your book reviews, and I do believe I will have to check these out. You have given me an appitite for them.

  2. I see you read lovely books! You describe the contents with a small amount of words clear and colourful. I think, that more people, who read this post, want to read also these three books. Books are your friends, and you have a special feeling to choose fine books to enrich the days.

    O the old dog-story!! 💗

  3. I like Matthew M too and can hear his voice reading that tip. Sounds very interesting.

  4. I'm a fan of Anne Lamott too! She is a superb writer but has led a truly chaotic life.

  5. The books really do seem to be great ones. I have recently begun rereading the "Left Behind" series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. I've read them twice through before but thought it would be interesting to read them again based on the state of the world.
    I hope you have a lovely week my friend.
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. I love Anne Lamott and am glad to see this one to add to my list. The McConnaughey sounds good too. Thanks for the suggestions!

  7. Am out blog walking this am, and spotted you on a mutual friends blog so thought I'd pop over for a visit. I really disliked Matthew McConaughey's book. I found him arrogant, and the family very dysfunction. It reminded me too much of JD Vance's book about his dysfunction family, some of whom should have been put in jail. I listen to books through Libby the library app. I do a lot of walking and yard work (well not so much yard work now that the weather has turned ugly), so listening works well for me. Also listen when I'm knitting or doing household chores.

    Always fun to meet new bloggers.
    Sandy's Space

  8. Summer and I listened to Green Lights audio book! I love hearing his voice!

  9. Will get you added to my log log, thanks for the visit.

  10. The book recommendation on 'Will's Red Coat' will be perfect for me. We have an elderly little schitzu we've had since probably '06. My daughter found him in the street with his collar rusted shut and he hopped in her car as if he was waiting for her <3, his name is Muffie because he looked like a little muffin. He's older now and almost totally blind, so this book should be very helpful for me. Our hearts hurt so much for little Muffie.

    I'm reading 'Dear Christams Mothers' at present, it's wonderful. The author is Connie Hultquist.

    Thank you for sharing. Blessings!

  11. Matthew McConaughey is quite a character around Austin from what I can tell. For such a big star his heart and his head genuinely seem to be in the right place most of the time. Frankly, I dread to think what kind of governor he would make due to his total lack of experience and hope he doesn't run for the office next year. But having him win would not be the worst thing that could happen, I guess. Haven't read his book, but I've heard good things about it...and Mud is my favorite of his movies, too.

  12. I myself have never been a Matthew McConaughey fan. But my wife makes up for my lack of enthusiasm.

  13. I bought Mr. M's book for our youngest daughter's birthday a couple years ago. I'm not sure if she's read it yet or not but I had heard it was really good from others. I was disappointed when he announced he wasn't running for office. I think he would have been good. I loved his movie "Contact" with Jodie Foster. ~Andrea xoxoxo
