Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Christmas book I wrote, shameless self promotion

 Hi all.Tis that time of the year when some of you may want some Christmas inspiration, recipes, ideas, and more. I have new blog followers so this book "A Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts: Stories to Warm Your Heart and Tips to Simplify Your Holiday" may be new to you. Some of you know I co-authored a colorful hard cover book about how to celebrate Christmas easily and inexpensively, while putting Christ at the center of the holiday. This involves helping others, and how to make inexpensive gifts, fun family activities, and more.

 Below is one of the pages in the book I wrote, with its warm illustrations.

Below is the cover of A Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts and an Amazon link. I hope the link works!

 Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts

How did this book get written and published? 

I was friends online with five other Christian writers and one of the ladies proposed this book to her publisher and they said yes. Two of us live in Texas, three in Ohio and me way out here on the west coast, in California. We each wrote many short sections and tips. I wrote about green ideas for the holidays and my first Christmas camping in the Everglades as a child. One of us wrote about her first Christmas with her two adopted children who are siblings. It was a joy to write. We also decided to pay a few writer friends to write short one page true stories about Christmas firsts they experienced. One had a reunion with a prodigal son, for example. We paid them from the advance the publisher paid us. The publisher gets my thanks for the beautiful art on every page of our book. 

If you read and enjoy my book, I would love if you post a review online, on Amazon, Good Reads, etc. also sells our book. Merry Christmas to All.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful book! Wishing you Good Luck in promoting and selling it!

  2. Well done, Terra. Congratulations on the books...very cool.

  3. I am glad you shared this even if you have in the past. I did not know about this book. It looks lovely. I need to go into our little local book shop so will certainly look (I do try to support local before the big A.) Merry Christmas~

  4. What a wonderful book project to have been a part of!

  5. What a lovely book. I hope many more people purchase it and use the ideas inside to simplify their Christmas.

  6. I didn't know you co authored a book. I love the art work for it.

  7. Congratulations! What a wonderful accomplishment -- I'm so very happy for you!

  8. Congratulations! This book is important, because the readers can find not only good ideas for Christmas and deas for presents but also the focus: Christ!!

    This is really a good and lightful work!

    I see, that you love for writing and your talent began when you were a littel girl. The ways of our Lord are wonderful - - ,

  9. Congratulations and good luck, hoping it sells well for you...well done.

  10. I will put this on my list of books to check out! Congrats to you :-)

  11. I love your book! Bought it last year and have it out again this year!

  12. I've seen the book on your sidebar and I so admire you being a published writer! Have you thought of doing another book?

    Happy Holidays, Terra!🎄

    Jane x

  13. It is so wonderful that you have written/co written this wonderful Christmas book! I know that was challenging, but look how marvelous it is? I do hope you will have a wonderful Christmas this year. God is good to give us just what we need as we need it. Blessings to you and yours.

  14. Congratulations. Kudos to your group and merry merry

  15. First of all Congratulations on being published, that's pretty exciting. My SIL is a published author of children's book; though she's not published anything in recent years. I know how exciting it always was to here. AND what a neat idea to write about the season. I LOVE that this project came together despite the distances. That makes it pretty special. Stay well.
    Sandy's Space

  16. Great! Love the pics. Warm illustration and words.

  17. That is wonderful that you wrote a book, Terra. It sounds like a nice one, and the artwork cover is delightful.

    Merry Christmas!


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