Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Thanksgiving, Giving Thanks

 Here in the USA we celebrate Thanksgiving. I find it a relaxing holiday centering around family, food and praising God for the blessings he gives us. Here are some photos for the day.

 I chose the above photo because it is not your typical turkey picture and it is rather pretty.

The above is the last Thanksgiving Will and I spent together, which was in 2015. Hold your loved ones close.

I love foxes and this guy has an orange coat, so I include him.

I count my blessings from God every day. Well, a few of them, the list is rather long. He is a good good Father. I also sing "Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye Heavenly Host, praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost."

For those who celebrate this holiday and for everyone world wide, Happy Thanksgiving.


  1. I sure do hope you have a lovely day.
    All the best.

  2. Yes, every day can be a Thanksgiving day. We are all so fortunate.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Terra. We don't celebrate that day here in Sweden, but this weekend we'll be celebrating 1st Advent Sunday :)

  4. The photos are lovely and I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. I too thank God every day for all my many blessings!!

  5. I like the photo of you and Will. I'm sure you treasure it and the memories of time together.

  6. Wonderful! Let us never forget to say thank you to our Good Father and Shepherd. Let's always have an open heart for the miracles and blessings, which flow over us.

    What a nice fox πŸ‚πŸΎ
    Yes, he must be in the middle of all these fine orange Thanksgiving-decorations.

    I love your LOVE FOR THE LORD!

    We here in Germany celebrate Thanksgiving on the first Sunday in October.


  7. I also love this beautiful photo with you and Willi!

    Praise the Lord for all His ggrace . -- ,.-.

  8. Dear Terra, I hope your thanksgiving day was one filled with laughter and good food and the abiding love of those who's elives you have touched with goodness. I'm sure, from all your postings, that it was filled with your gratitude for all your life has been. One of the real gifts of living to be older is that we have more years to look back on and see that all worked out to good. The working out may takes months or years, but ultimately, I've discovered, I can look back and see an arc that lead to an understanding that is the good of an earlier situation. Peace.

  9. I love all the photos. Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving.

  10. I love that song, too! In fact, I'm singing it in my head right now. Never tire of giving thanks!

  11. Yes, a day to count our blessings. Personally, we could only see our far-flung family on Zoom, which is not that satisfying, but we have so much else to be thankful for. Happy holidays!

  12. The photos are great; thanks for sharing. Thanksgiving Day is my favorite day of the year because it is such a clear reminder of what is really important...and what is not. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  13. Looks as though you have this holiday down pat.

  14. Your have a nice series of photos and a good reminder to always count our blessings.I like the praise song at the end. Happy belated Thanksgiving to you. We celebrate Thanksgiving for the harvest in October in Canada.

  15. Such a nice Thanksgiving post. I love all the pictures.

  16. I'm used to thank God everyday. We need His help and miracles on a daily basis.
    Lovely photos to go with your lovely Thanksgiving post!

  17. Thank you for sharing your photos with us. Such beautiful ones and I especially like the one with Will.
    I sing the same song "The Doxology" very often. It's one of my favorites from my childhood.
