Monday, December 20, 2021

Merry Christmas 2021, magnolia bloom, our tree and Bounce


John 3:16 is often quoted around Christmas time, and for the best reasons. In it we read that the birth of Jesus signals to us that the gift of eternal life is available to all those who believe in Jesus,  "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, That whosoever believeth in Him shall have eternal life." This promise makes me happy, knowing that Jesus is preparing a home in heaven for me. I know many of you love that promise too.

Another promise is that when we ask truly for forgiveness of sins our sins will be forgiven and we can start anew with a clean slate in life. "If anyone belongs to Christ, there is a new creation. The old things are gone, everything is new." 2 Corinthians 5:17. 


Bounce adds his greetings of hope and joy to all his friends and fans! Merry Christmas to All.

My Christmas tree this year was brought to me by my sons who drove a truck to a Christmas tree farm with Bounce to help pick out a tree. They met friendly goats and big dogs on the farm which was a treat for Mr. B. The tree is 7 feet tall.

And a surprise in my yard, my purple magnolia is in bloom, here in California. It is actually called Black Tulip magnolia. I recall reading that it is the darkest red, closest to purple or black, of all the magnolias.

Wishing you all the joys of the season and a Merry Christmas to you both near and far.


  1. Beautiful tree! Merry Christmas to you and Bounce and your family!

  2. Merry Christmas to you! Your tree is just beautiful, and Bounce is adorable. Love his little snuggly winter outfit. Appreciate the words in your blog today. Thank you.

  3. What a big beautiful tree! I love the scent of the evergreen too! Merry Christmas!

  4. Merry Christmas to you, too.
    What a lovely tree.

  5. Thank you for the wishes. Wat a cute dog. I love to see your magnolia flowers. So nice.

  6. Awwwe! Merry Christmas dear friend~ (& Bounce too)

  7. Merry Christmas Terra! Impressive tree. Mine is plastic, only around 50 cm high and 35 years old! I'll probably be putting it up tomorrow!

  8. Amazing, that purple magnolia blossom!!This year seems to be the year for strange blossoms and weather, but winter hasn't officially gotten here yet. It's still working its way into our atmosphere, and then watch out! Enjoy your blooms now. I know, you are in the warm part of the country, as are we, but even so, some things just aren't supposed to happen in December. Love your Christmas tree. How sweet of your guys to get it for you, and that they let Bounce have a say at which tree to choose! It looks beautiful. And Bounce is adorable. Have a blessed and wonderful Christmas.

  9. Your tree looks so pretty.
    I'm so very thankful for God's promises too. :)

  10. Purple magnolias at Christmas! Wonderful!

  11. What a lovely surprise to have your Magnolia burst into December flowers!! It's lovely. So is your 7 foot tree!! I hope you have a very happy Christmas with your dear ones.

  12. This is a wonderful Christmas-post! I love to read in the holy bible every day. I LOVE this part you write here, very much!

    Your dog is so very very sweet!

    Your Christmastree is wonderful!!!!The angel ist also very beautiful and wonderful!

    The magnolia is one of the miracles, the Lord gives to his friends ...

    Merry Christmas and a happy new year!


    from Dori from te Bavarian Forest

  13. Merry Christmas! The tree is pretty and I appreciate your words on the real meaning of Christmas!

  14. Your tree is just wonderful. It sounds like it was a great field trip for Bounce to help select it!

  15. Your Christmas tree is beautiful and how fun that your boys took Bounce to pick it out. I love the decorations. Imagine, a purple magnolia. I don't think I've even seen a magnolia blooming except in flower shops. Yours is gorgeous.
    But the best give has always been, Jesus. And just imagine, He wants us with him forever.
    Merry Christmas Terra!

  16. Christmas greetings and best wishes for a very happy new year.

  17. Thank you for the good wishes. I wish you a happy and peaceful holiday season. Your tree is amazing and so are your sons. And Bounce, of course, although he does not seem to agree with that first outfit you had him pose in. He looks like he much prefers the second one. Merry Christmas, my friend.

  18. Dear Terra, what a great post full of God's promises to all who believe. ~ Your tree is gorgeous and Bounce is adorable. ~ What a treat that beautiful magnolia is. Have a lovely Christmas and a great 2022!! Love, hugs and prayers ~ FlowerLady

  19. Merry Christmas to you, my friend! I got your beautiful card the other day. Thank you for it! Hugs to you and Bounce. :)

  20. It all looks very festive and beautiful. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  21. Nice tree. We do one short enough we can put it up on a table that's about the height of a coffee table. It's an old metal table that parents used for years and really serves the purpose. Enjoy the beauty of the season.
    Sandy's Space

  22. Wow, that purple magnolia is gorgeous. I want one!

  23. sooooo pretty, i like your tree topper!! merry christmas, have a wonderful holiday!!

  24. How sweet of your two older boys to take their little brother with them to pick out the tree! :) Wishing you all a lovely Christmas and a ver Happy New Year!

  25. the tree is magnifcent, the magnoila beyond magnificent and wow on that tree. last but not least Mr Bounce is adorable

  26. Your tree is so pretty!! Hope you enjoyed a very Blessed Merry Christmas.

  27. Hi Terra, good to "meet" you!

    Bounce looks like a n appropriate name 🙂

  28. I think your magnolia tree is the prettiest I've seen, what a striking color the blooms are. And Bounce looks so cute in his little hat and sweater. Your Christmas tree is so pretty, Terra, and the lovely golden angel that sits on top on it is special. It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas.

