Monday, November 21, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving to All in the USA and Around the World


For my friends here at home in the USA and all around the world in many countries, may November 24 be a day of joy and peace for you. Here in the USA we set aside a day for thanks giving, which is a great idea.

Here is Scripture I find appropriate today and every day: "Everything good comes from God. Every perfect gift is from Him." James 1:17 Written about 2000 years ago and it still rings true to me today.

This is the seventh Thanksgiving without my dear husband, and a few days ago would have been / was our 51st wedding anniversary. My sons and I celebrate Thanksgiving together each year, though there is an important person missing. Every day I thank God for gifts big and small, and recently I have been thankful for the beautiful blue sky and fluffy white clouds. I hope each one of you dear readers has a day of peace and joy.


  1. You found some pretty pics to share today.
    I am sure all the holidays remind you of your dear husband, I remember when he passed and it doesn't seem like 7 years. Glad you can celebrate with your sons.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Same to you.

  3. Dear Terra, thank you for your fine and friendly wishes all around the world. This is a prayer - - We do't celebrate Thanksgiving in November, 24th, but we have a similar feast at the beginning of October ("Erntedankfest). But I think, you in USA have a wonderful family-feast and joy. It is hard,you have lost your dear husband. You sons are your freinds and they are the present of the Lord and of your dear husband. I love your style of life to find joy and gratefulness about all the gifts of our Lord. His is wonderful and a blessing!

  4. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving of gratitude and remembrance.

  5. I am sorry to hear of your husband's passing. Holidays always hurt the most. Keep well, keep warm with your family.

  6. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!! :) :)

  7. I hope you have a very happy Thanksgiving with your loved ones. Granny Marigold

  8. I have been thinking about you today! I have your Christmas book underneath the tree in the guest room and am looking forward to reading it again this season. Bless you this season as you celebrate without your beloved....

  9. I'm so glad that you have your boys with you for the holidays. I'm sorry also about your husband. I can't rember when your husband died but I do know you've been a great encourager since I started reading your blog several years ago.
    Blessnigs and love,

  10. Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving

  11. Hi Terra - have a blessed Thanksgiving and weekend ... take care and with all the best from here - Hilary

  12. Thank you, dear Terra, for your good wishes. Even though we don't celebrate Thanksgiving in the Netherlands, as a Christian I would like my whole life to be a Thanksgiving life. I am sorry that there is an empty space in your life (perhaps more and more empty spaces). Let's focus on Him who will wipe away all our tears. And that we will see our loved ones again. And let's consciously think back in gratitude to so many golden moments with them

  13. Happy favorite holiday

  14. Beautiful photography and sentiments, too. I'm so glad you'll be spending the day with loved ones. Like someone said, it's not what's ON the table, but who's sitting around it.

  15. Oh, Terra, prayers for a happy Thanksgiving and a joyful remembering of your sweet marriage!

  16. Lovely photos and great verse.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you too. 🦃

  17. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your sons.

  18. Wishing you and yours a bundle of blessings always.

  19. May God keep you and wrap you up in His Hands. God has a plan for your life and it will unwrap as life moves on.

    Each anniversary we share together is a blessing.

  20. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
