Saturday, November 5, 2022

Arcade games in church lobby, Walking and Dementia


I took this photo of the arcade games in our church lobby. The games were borrowed for six weeks and relate to the sermon series our minister gave titled Press Start. Kids and adults played the games before and after church and they were quite popular. One boy age 9 insisted his family arrive a half hour early for the six Sundays so he could play the games. I like the colors in my photo.


Above is Bounce, my exercise coach. Hey friends. I just read that walking 10,000 steps per day can help cut our risk of dementia in half. This was in an article by Sarah Cownley in the Epoch Times this month. When I finally got a smart phone four years ago I found a fun app that I got that counts my steps. I do not walk 10,000 steps but I do walk x thousand. I don't think we need to compete against other people, I like to compete against me! Set slightly higher goals when inspired.

Above are my kitty Fluffy and Bounce on a walk, Fluffy often chooses to walk with us. People in the neighborhood love to see this. My exercise and walking coach is my dear dog Bounce, and I tell him I am his exercise coach in return. Cownley reports that walking 3,800 steps per day reduces dementia risk by 25 percent. She has a diploma in nutritional therapy from Health Sciences Academy in London. I wonder if the benefit is enhanced by walking outdoors where we can see the beauty of the sky, breathe in fresh air, and be encouraged to think peaceful thoughts. Or is the benefit the same when walking indoors? Just pondering.

I got 3 of these jackets for Mr. B, this one says Security and another says FBI. I read that neighborhoods where lots of people walk their dogs have less crime which makes sense. Enjoy your walks and your day.


  1. You sure don't have to convince me walking it good for you!! :)

  2. I love to walk abk hike outside we are having unusually warm weather I am taking full advantage.
    I am sure that is true for neiborhood s with lots of walkers I know I notice lots of things while walking.

  3. Wonderful food for thought. We do try to take a walk almost every day outdoors, but lately we've been busier than before and are on our feet a lot helping our kids at their store, "Dixie Cottage", and so I feel like we are taking walks, just not outdoors. I do hope you are right about the staving off dementia. That will make me want to walk even more. Your sweet doggy and kitty are adorable. How nice that the kitty likes to walk too! What fun! I enjoyed your post. Sorry I haven't been keeping up as much lately...this new "business" has kept us busy and I get way behind in my blog reading, etc. Take care and may bless you!

  4. This issue with dementia is getting blood to the brain, so make sure you get a little out of breath or break a sweat. That dog is delightful.

  5. Aww, Fluffy and Bounce are adorable! From now on when I walk my dog Jake I will remind him that he is my exercise coach. ha! I love that idea.

  6. Interesting about the arcade games. Hoping this sermon series turned out the way the pastor was hoping. I did not know this information about walking and dementia. I need to boost up my steps...Have a good evening..

  7. I hope the benefits of walking indoors are the same because that's one of the things that makes me happy about our new apartment. When the snow is flying and ice is everywhere, I'll be able to walk up and down the halls indoors here. There is also an exercise room with a bike I can ride. Yay!
    Love Bounce's coat and that Fluffy likes to walk with you. That's so cute.

  8. I need to be in the great outdoors for walking which makes it hard when it's 120 F here in the summer. (Part of the reason why I gain weight every year and then need to shed it in the winter -- the opposite of a hibernating bear :) Weather is finally nicer and I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things. You have two very cute walking buddies. Happy trails.

  9. Like the dog there, good to have a dog because it needs to be taken for a walk along with it's owner.

  10. I wear a pedometer (Fitbit) and, like you, I know there is no chance of 10,000 steps per day, so I too compete against me. I envy you your coach!

  11. Well that's interesting about the arcade games. Won't see those in many church lobbies.
    I used to have a fit bit to count my steps but now I have no idea how many I get.

  12. People think that mind games like crosswords might stave off dementia, but I was disappointed to read that there was no evidence for that and that walking and exercise might help. I am not too convinced that much does help, however, Sigh.

  13. Fluffy and Bounce are so cute! And yes, you got a great shot of the pinball machines' bright and colourful lighting effects!

  14. I LOVE your photo's and yes it is so good to walk. Let;s do it every day this week.

  15. My daughter does 10,000 steps. I do 2000 on a good day. Maybe I can try to boost it to 3000... we'll see. I'm curious as to how the arcade games fit in with the sermon.

  16. I need to get back to walking. I do exercise with Miranda Esmonde-White Classical Stretch.
    Anything is better than nothing and I agree - it helps keep us going longer!

    I love how your church is taking into account the younger generations as well as the older ones. We all need the Lord and church!

  17. Dear Terra, I so enjoyed this posting. It took me back to when I lived on the North Hill of Stillwater, Minnesota in 1973-74. Almost each evening, the two cats with whom I lived (Dulcy and Bartleby) and I would walk through the neighbor with the cats on the sidewalk or sniffing the fallen leaves or the blooming flowers. As you said in your posting, I discovered that those sitting on their porches so enjoyed the sight of the cats taking me for a walk! A lovely time, I'm glad you, too, have walking companions! Peace from Dee.

  18. I love your photos. Walking is great.

  19. Fluffy and Bounce are adorable. Such a cute sweater. Walking is supposed to be one of the most healthy exercises. Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving

  20. My Daughter-in-law's cats walk with them too. Strange habits.
    I'm sure outside walking must be extra beneficial for many reasons.

  21. To me, walking is not just an exercise, it's a way of life. I'll get on a car or bus only for long distances.

  22. i think walking is the best exercise in general. such sweet animals!!

  23. I'm trying to increase the length of time I can walk without feeling pain or tired; knowing that walking helps with keeping dementia at bay will be an added incentive to walk!
