Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Shark eggplant, humor, church birdhouse, Julia Child rose

This looks like shark eggplant to me with the shark fin on top. It tasted good in a spaghetti sauce.
After live streaming church on Sunday Bounce and I walked to a Little Free Library to give them a C.S. Lewis book and saw that a neighbor had two birdhouses out with a sign that said "free." This one was meant for me, as it is a church. A very appropriate Sunday morning of church, C.S. Lewis and a church birdhouse! The birdhouse is old, wooden, and made by hand which makes it that much more lovable.
My Julia Child rose above is in full bloom again, it rested for a couple of weeks. I  did the hard work of cutting off all the old spent blossoms and the rose bush burst into another yellow sensation.
I found these two funnies on Oddball Observations blog  Oddball Observations

Poor sad baggage might need some therapy.


  1. Ha Ha, thanks for my morning chuckle. I love your shark eggplant. I love making Eggplant dishes. There was a little Bistro up North that served a roasted eggplant sandwich. It was so yummy.

    The little church birdhouse is precious.

    I enjoy all CS Lewis books.

    Have a great day.

  2. I think the pandemic broke my funny bone. I had to read the first meme three times before it clicked.

  3. I love the birdhouse, and those roses are so beautiful! Do they have a scent? I'm trying to decide on a few roses to plant in my yard. Space is limited, so I can only have a few, so I need to choose wisely.

    The shark eggplant is too cute!

  4. Your eggplant does look like a fat little shark! And the church birdhouse is cute... good to give it a new home.

  5. I love that eggplant. Its cute enough to eat. I needed a good chuckle today and your post provided it. Thanks!

  6. I can't kep up with my rose dead heading now, but I hope to get back to them eventually. Reblooming is a good thing.
    I broke down and took a codine pill. I almost didn't get the offensive post. It is really punny.

  7. That is an odd looking eggplant! I love the church birdhouse. Homemade bird houses are the best!

  8. Sounds like the perfect Sunday. That little birdhouse is so cute! I have to prune my roses too. I'm sure I could get more blooms if I took care of them better. Too hot to do it today. Thanks for the chuckle from those last two pictures.

  9. Funny quotes. Love it. Love the church birdhouse too!! That is really special, and perfect! Your roses are wonderful!! I am not a big eggplant fan, but that one is "special". Glad you enjoy it!! Have a great summer.

  10. That last meme was perfect for the times. We always need a chuckle. Love eggplant and yours looks delicious.

  11. I'm loving on that bird house! I can't believe someone was just giving that away. Hand-crafted is far more appealing, isn't it?
    I only tasted (and enjoyed) eggplant once a couple years ago. As I'm trying to eat more healthy, I need to look up some recipes.

  12. The birdhouse is perfect! Your funnies are really funny. Especialy the second one.
    How are you doing during this time of the virus? It's changed everyone's lives hasn't it?

  13. The church is lovely and the quote is funny.

  14. Would you believe I have never had eggplant? Love the birdhouse and your roses are beautiful.

  15. That eggplant is all ready for Shark Week!
    Thanks for the smiles.

  16. Lol. Emotional baggage indeed. We won’t be travelling any time soon I fear.

  17. Your shark eggplant is pretty cute!
    I love the birdhouse. You're right, it was meant for you.

  18. I like the "funnies". We all need some humour in our days.
    Your Rose is gorgeous shade of yellow/gold and the shark eggplant is cute.

  19. I love the color of eggplant but I don’t actually like the of the very few things I don’t like!
    Love that little church birdhouse! How sweet someone set it there fo someone like YOU to find!

  20. Hi Terra - the little birdhouse is delightful ... while the little library - excellent. I bought the book: The Boy, Mole, Fox and Horse for my SIL - and she loved it ... so delighted to see about the charming tale here on a previous post ... gorgeous art work too - my SIL said that's how her mother used to draw horses ... so thank you for this post and those beautiful roses ... stay safe - Hilary

  21. Ha, ha, re the baggage. That's just a good one. Imagination with the eggplant and agree with you.

  22. I told my suitcase the same ! Fortunately we moved so we can enjoy our new apartment and do some excursions, if possible ! I start to get really fed up with this Coronavirus, nobody leads a normal life anymore !!

  23. We don't even have real libraries in this country which makes me very sad. I love the idea of neighborhood little libraries. That church birdhouse is so lovely. What a nice thing to find on your walk.

  24. I like the bird house :) And I like eggplants too. One of my favourite quick meals is to just cut a couple of slices of eggplant, add some chicken or mincemeat on top (already cooked, of course) + a slice of cheese, then just cook in the microwave for a couple of minutes; and eat with salad.

  25. This bird-church is marvellous! I dream, that little birds flow in and out like in St. Francis' hands, who told with the birds and told him to praise the Lord.

    O these roses! Also a wonderful dream! - - I love them!

    Sad baggage because this year they don't go on journey. How can you make them happy? :)

    The shark aubergine is really a BIG fish! Not suitable for vegetarians :)

  26. Wow, your rose bush is just gorgeous! I love yellow roses.

  27. You made me smile, Terra! The eggplant and birdhouse. We need that these days.

    Your rose bush is beautiful. I love any flower that's yellow. Sunshine!

    Jane x

  28. Wonderful jokes! And a great bird house.

  29. The jokes made me smile so a good start to my day. I love your rose x
