Tuesday, July 28, 2020

John Lewis' moving words, Lights and mirrors in my house

The above fairy lights give a warm glow in the living room, even on a summer overcast day. The lights are round bulbs about an inch across. They stay cool to the touch and I can turn them on and off using my iPhone and the Wyze app. That is a nice touch because I don't have to reach down to plug and unplug the lights.
Above is my new kitchen dining mirror which was to be installed in March 2020 but then the coronavirus struck, and when our city let many businesses open in June I had it installed. I was concerned about workers coming in but the two men wore masks and entered the kitchen from the side gate, so were only in the kitchen. They were in the house about an hour and a half.
I am sharing below some moving words from John Lewis, American hero and Civil Rights leader, who died July 17 of this year. He will be missed. I was in the Civil Rights movement in college and my best friend and I founded  the campus group dedicated to action and change in that arena. I recall we even wrote to another leader, Stokely Carmichael, when he was in jail in the south, and we asked him to join us in a march in the north. He didn't answer, understandably he was busy. Any blog friends active in the movement?
Here are John Lewis' words:
“Anchor the eternity of love in your own soul and embed this planet with goodness. Lean toward the whispers of your own heart, discover the universal truth, and follow its dictates. Release the need to hate, to harbor division, and the enticement of revenge. Release all bitterness. Hold only love, only peace in your heart, knowing that the battle of good to overcome evil is already won. Choose confrontation wisely, but when it is your time don’t be afraid to stand up, speak up, and speak out against injustice. And if you follow your truth down the road to peace and the affirmation of love, if you shine like a beacon for all to see, then the poetry of all the great dreamers and philosophers is yours to manifest in a nation, a world community, and a Beloved Community that is finally at peace with itself.” John Lewis


  1. Those are wonderful words....I just wish everyone would live by such. Such a shame that our country is so full of hate and violence. It will certainly get us nowhere.

    Glad you finally got your mirror! It is so nice to be able to get back to being able to have things done again. And especially with everyone taking precautions to keep safe.

    LOVE the lights!!

  2. Love your lights and the mirror is a great addition. Glad you were able to get it installed.
    John Lewis was an amazing man and will be long remembered. xo Diana

  3. Thanks for dropping by my blog. I couldn't find a Top Ten Tuesday post but I enjoyed your photos. I think your blog titles are so creative and funny.
    Have a good week.
    My Top Ten favorite books by month

  4. I adore your lights...soft and inviting. I love lights too, and have them around the house. John Lewis, words of wisdom and comfort.

  5. Love those wise words and like Lin said, wish everyone would live by those words.
    I like the lights and the idea of being able to turn them on and off with your phone

  6. I love your lights!! And that mirror!
    Beautiful words worthy to live by.....

  7. I admire that man. He fought the good fight, so well.

  8. My father participated in one of the Selma marches and in other Civil Rights activities. I was too young to attend the March on Washington but did participate in one in the 70s. Many have been inspired by patriots like Lewis, Now its their turn to carry the torch and fight the fight.

  9. The fairy lights make your room so homey and cozy feeling. I like your mirror, mirrors create more space and light in a room. ~ That was an inspiring piece by John Lewis.

    Enjoy your week dear Terra. I am planning another grocery run in a couple of days.

    Love, hugs and prayers ~ FlowerLady

  10. I have colored twinklelight around my patio door all year round. Just cheerful. Love that huge mirror and glad they could finally install it.

    I lived through the time period but was in high school until 1968 so didn't participate. There were so many protests back then--civil rights, women's rights, and against the war--and I was very aware of them all. But I was raped right out of high school so I was in no shape to contribute to anything and was in survival mode for several years.

    So sad that we have made so little progress after all this time.

  11. Hi Terra... love your new mirror... and those little lights are gorgeous... I especially love that wall behind them... with the boards in the beautiful design! Very cool!
    Thanks for sharing the Lewis words... I'd not read them before.
    Have a great day girl... Lea

  12. Your lights and mirror are beautiful. Fairy lights are one of my favorite things.
    John Lewis's words are full of intelligence and care for others, no matter race, country or creed. I wish many who involved in the rioting and violence happening would remember the peaceful protests that accomplished so much in my younger days. I feel so sad for the people who are experiencing all of the bad things that keep happening. We need God in our country and His peace and caring for ALL people.

  13. Great words from a great man.
    The mirror looks lovely!


  14. You have fine lights in your room. The mirror is a good idea for your kitchen. Thanks goodness they could bring it carefully into your house.

    The sentences of John Lewis are very healing for the soul. I'm sorry, that he died. I read these words of him more than one time! I really want to integrate these words into my heart and mind. Thank you, Terra!

  15. I love fairy lights year round.

    John Lewis -- Oh, we knew it would happen but that didn't make the sadness any less.What a remarkable man, human being, public servant. Thanks for sharing his words.

  16. Thank you for sharing those beautiful words. It means so much.

  17. I appreciate the words you shared from John Lewis. He will be missed and I pray we will see improvement in many situations in this country.

  18. I'm glad you were able to have your mirror installed. The fairy lights do give a lovely glow. Thank you for sharing the quote from John Lewis; we can all learn from people like him.

  19. Love the lights and isn't it clever these days being able to use the phone to turn things on and off..
    Like your mirror it looks beautiful.
    Take care,

  20. I liked the ship painting. I thought the lights enhanced it's beauty. The words are lovely and very apt for today. If only our country would read and apply!💖

  21. Both the living room and kitchen decor are very appealing.

  22. We have experienced a huge loss. As for me, coming from another country, when it came to race relations here, nothing made sense. I worked to integrate the San Diego campus via the Public Employment Program in the early 1970s, and encountered institutional racism so bad I transferred to UCLA. My husband, Errol, was Creole, so I now have a racially mixed family here. After living here most of my life now, and after what happened to George Floyd, I finally understand that there are some white people, white police, who are not understanding that black people are just like us, normal, bad or good, human beings. To do what that cop did, to slowly murder a man in plain sight, he could not possibly have related to him as another human being. This is infuriating and also very, very scary to me.

  23. I hate when we lose GIANTS like John Lewis! Replacements are not easily found.

  24. John Lewis' words are worth repeating. Over and over. Again and again.

  25. Watched John Lewis funeral today...all of it...the great length and I actually think it restored my hope in mankind and my view to the future.

  26. Oh my! His words are absolutely beautiful. It makes me cry knowing that the one residing in the white house doesn't have an iota of dignity or an ounce of intelligence. John Lewis even had the wherewithal to write an op-ed to be published on the day of his funeral. Truly a role model, a dignified man of respect, an icon who did everything in his might to bring about justice and equality.

  27. A great good morning to you Terra! Thank you so much for coming by to see me at Ramblingon. I am in my cat's blog at the moment so she is the one who has followed you although when she permits me to go to my own blog, Ramblingon, I will follow you from there as well.

  28. What a legacy John Lewis has left us and what a life he led. Eternally grateful that I had the opportunity to meet him and talk with him. What a model to follow. I got two copies of an excerpt of his book when I met him. One that was autographed I gave to a friend for her teenage nephew. The other was tucked between two books. Just found it again when I was moving all of my books. Made me very happy!

  29. I am commenting on my blog post so I can find where comments go so I can moderate them. I have the new Blogger now and only see the comments I already approved to post, and not any pending comments. Yikes.

  30. Dear Terra, thank you so very much for the quotation from John Lewis. I copied it from your blog and will send it in an e-mail to friends far and wide.

    I was in the convent until the end of 1966, and so had little involvement in the Civil Rights Era. In the convent we were not allowed to view television, listen to the radio, read the newspapers. And our families could visit us only once a year and when they did we mostly talked about what was happening with siblings and aunts and uncles and jobs. So I really knew little, well nothing really, of what was going on.

    Afterward, I taught in the inner city of Dayton and tried to do what I could. the students--mostly Black inspired me to go to graduate school and get a master's in American Studies with a strong minor in Black and Southern history. It was only then that I heard about John Lewis and Carmichael and then Malcolm X.

    I'm glad to have lived long enough to witness the Black Revolution that so mirrors the American Revolution of nearly 250 years ago. I'm so glad to learn that you chose and got to be a part of the Civil Rights Movement. Peace.

  31. Your home decor is amazing. I adore fairy lights they give the room a warm homely feeling. Such inspirational words x

  32. Very nice share here.

    I am having difficulties leaving a comment. I am no tsure what is happening but my two blogs are crossed in their wires I suppose and causing me a rough time. Thank you always for sharing.


