The above fairy lights give a warm glow in the living room, even on a summer overcast day. The lights are round bulbs about an inch across. They stay cool to the touch and I can turn them on and off using my iPhone and the Wyze app. That is a nice touch because I don't have to reach down to plug and unplug the lights.
Above is my new kitchen dining mirror which was to be installed in March 2020 but then the coronavirus struck, and when our city let many businesses open in June I had it installed. I was concerned about workers coming in but the two men wore masks and entered the kitchen from the side gate, so were only in the kitchen. They were in the house about an hour and a half.
I am sharing below some moving words from John Lewis, American hero and Civil Rights leader, who died July 17 of this year. He will be missed. I was in the Civil Rights movement in college and my best friend and I founded the campus group dedicated to action and change in that arena. I recall we even wrote to another leader, Stokely Carmichael, when he was in jail in the south, and we asked him to join us in a march in the north. He didn't answer, understandably he was busy. Any blog friends active in the movement?
Here are John Lewis' words:
the eternity of love in your own soul and embed this planet with
goodness. Lean toward the whispers of your own heart, discover the
universal truth, and follow its dictates. Release the need to hate, to
harbor division, and the enticement of revenge. Release all bitterness.
Hold only love, only peace in your heart, knowing that the battle of
good to overcome evil is already won. Choose confrontation wisely, but
when it is your time don’t be afraid to stand up, speak up, and speak
out against injustice. And if you follow your truth down the road to
peace and the affirmation of love, if you shine like a beacon for all to
see, then the poetry of all the great dreamers and philosophers is
yours to manifest in a nation, a world community, and a Beloved
Community that is finally at peace with itself.” John Lewis
Faith, family, gardening, my dog. I am a widow, mom, happy Christian and librarian. I love to giggle, the USA and I love what is true.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Shark eggplant, humor, church birdhouse, Julia Child rose
This looks like shark eggplant to me with the shark fin on top. It tasted good in a spaghetti sauce.
After live streaming church on Sunday Bounce and I walked to a Little Free Library to give them a C.S. Lewis book and saw that a neighbor had two birdhouses out with a sign that said "free." This one was meant for me, as it is a church. A very appropriate Sunday morning of church, C.S. Lewis and a church birdhouse! The birdhouse is old, wooden, and made by hand which makes it that much more lovable.
My Julia Child rose above is in full bloom again, it rested for a couple of weeks. I did the hard work of cutting off all the old spent blossoms and the rose bush burst into another yellow sensation.
I found these two funnies on Oddball Observations blog Oddball Observations
Poor sad baggage might need some therapy.
After live streaming church on Sunday Bounce and I walked to a Little Free Library to give them a C.S. Lewis book and saw that a neighbor had two birdhouses out with a sign that said "free." This one was meant for me, as it is a church. A very appropriate Sunday morning of church, C.S. Lewis and a church birdhouse! The birdhouse is old, wooden, and made by hand which makes it that much more lovable.
My Julia Child rose above is in full bloom again, it rested for a couple of weeks. I did the hard work of cutting off all the old spent blossoms and the rose bush burst into another yellow sensation.
I found these two funnies on Oddball Observations blog Oddball Observations
Poor sad baggage might need some therapy.
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Bounce, Fluffy, movie Edie, Melaleuca tree
Fluffy Kitty and Mr. Bounce taking a nap together on Bounce's favorite sofa spot.
Above is before I woke them and called to them so they would look at me. What is going on around your house in these days of Covid-19? Yesterday my book club met on Zoom, eleven of us, and we each reviewed one book, so I got some reading ideas. I shared The Warden by Anthony Trollope, I do love that book! I enjoyed all 27 of Trollope's novels that I have read thus far, out of the 47 he wrote, bless his heart. He wrote in the 1850s through the 1880s.
Above are my son Lane and Bounce enjoying the shade under the canvas awning Lane bought and put up for me.
I am standing in the kitchen when I took this photo of our new canvas awning on our back patio.
This is me under the awning, I am rather dark in the shade.
Melaleuca quinquenervia tree in my neighborhood, AKA broad-leaved paperbark. I learned that it is an invasive problem tree in the Florida Everglades and an important tree for wildlife in its native Australia. It is pretty with its soft white cloud like flowers.
Above is a close up of the Melaleuca flowers, a bit blurry, but you can see the flowers are attractive.
I watched a good movie today titled Edie. The main characters are Edie, a spry 84 year old widow, a young man she meets named Jonny, and the wild hills of Scotland. Edie is played by Sheila Hancock and Jonny is played by the handsome Kevin Guthrie. Guthrie is in the new TV series, An English Game, which I aim to watch. After short opening filming in London, where her daughter has Edie set to enter assisted living, all the filming is done in Lochinver, Scotland. Edie attempts to fulfill her long ago dream of hiking up Mt. Suilven. I recommend this movie. What beautiful scenery in the hills of Scotland and a story that is meaningful to me, about aging, looking back on life, and going ahead to try an adventure.
Above is before I woke them and called to them so they would look at me. What is going on around your house in these days of Covid-19? Yesterday my book club met on Zoom, eleven of us, and we each reviewed one book, so I got some reading ideas. I shared The Warden by Anthony Trollope, I do love that book! I enjoyed all 27 of Trollope's novels that I have read thus far, out of the 47 he wrote, bless his heart. He wrote in the 1850s through the 1880s.
Above are my son Lane and Bounce enjoying the shade under the canvas awning Lane bought and put up for me.
I am standing in the kitchen when I took this photo of our new canvas awning on our back patio.
This is me under the awning, I am rather dark in the shade.
Melaleuca quinquenervia tree in my neighborhood, AKA broad-leaved paperbark. I learned that it is an invasive problem tree in the Florida Everglades and an important tree for wildlife in its native Australia. It is pretty with its soft white cloud like flowers.
Above is a close up of the Melaleuca flowers, a bit blurry, but you can see the flowers are attractive.
I watched a good movie today titled Edie. The main characters are Edie, a spry 84 year old widow, a young man she meets named Jonny, and the wild hills of Scotland. Edie is played by Sheila Hancock and Jonny is played by the handsome Kevin Guthrie. Guthrie is in the new TV series, An English Game, which I aim to watch. After short opening filming in London, where her daughter has Edie set to enter assisted living, all the filming is done in Lochinver, Scotland. Edie attempts to fulfill her long ago dream of hiking up Mt. Suilven. I recommend this movie. What beautiful scenery in the hills of Scotland and a story that is meaningful to me, about aging, looking back on life, and going ahead to try an adventure.