Monday, October 15, 2018

Pieces of Happiness, a novel

I haven't posted about books in a while, and I am a dedicated book reader, nay, book fanatic. Ha ha.

A book I think many of you would like is Pieces of Happiness: A Novel of Friendship, Hope and Chocolate, written by Anne Ostby and translated to English by one of her daughters. Five 66 year old school friends from Norway move to Fiji to the cocoa farm where one of them lives. They reinvent their lives and face hard times and fun times together. Will one of the ladies find romance with a local man? Some of the chapters are written with the point of view of Ateca, their all important Fijian house keeper who shows them the ropes of Fiji's customs and each of those chapters closes with a prayer from Ateca for "her ladies" and her teenage son. The author lived in Fiji and it seems very authentic; she lives in East Timor now.

The photo above is of a nearby Little Free Library, I visit these on my dog walks.
I quickly gave "Pieces of Happiness" to a neighborhood Little Free Library, gave 5 other books to the public library and then bought 3 books at the library used book store. All 3 are in series I am reading:
"Enter Sir Robert" by Angela Thirkell,  "Glass Houses" by Louise Penny, and "Dreaming Spies" by Laurie R. King. I can definitely buy books faster than I can read them. I won't even mention my Kindle books waiting to be read! I haven't looked to see how many of them I have.


  1. You like some of the same authors I like...Louise Penny and Laurie King are favs! I just did a goodreads book review on The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper. I think you would like it my friend! Hugs!

  2. Oooh, I love my Kindle. I love that when I finish a book, I can just upload a new one.

  3. I can certainly relate to books are that backed up to read.

    I love the idea of a neighborhood lending stand like you showed. We had one in our old neighborhood. So cute.

  4. Will check out this book. I love these little library ideas. I wish I lived where I thought it would get a lot of use I would have one. Hugs, lj

  5. What an absolutely brilliant idea that free library is.

  6. Can't imagine the transition from living in Norway to living in Fiji! Sounds like a good book. Thanks for the recommend.

  7. You nailed it when you wrote that you can buy books faster than you can read them! That is me!! I get so many great recommendations from blogs, like yours for the book set in Fiji, and I proceed to Amazon and order them. I have a pile on my nightstand.

    A block over is one of those take one-leave one book libraries, its so cute. I intend to clean out my cabinets and bring some over. Sadly, our library doesn't accept donations. Winter is a great time to curl up with a good book so I really hope to make a dent in my stack.

    Have a good week, Terra!

    Jane x

  8. Love the little library. Love the premise too of friends moving to paradise together. All sounds good.

  9. sounds like a great book...Norwegians in paradise.

  10. I love these free libraries. I won't even mention how many books I have on my Kindle.....and how many need to be read :)

  11. Hi Terra! Yes, I have too many books on my Kindle, too! It's so fun though. The book you mention sounds interesting!

  12. I agree - sounds like a great book and since we like similar authors I'll have to give it a try. I am now the "Keeper" of my women's group little library and trying to learn what 5 to 13 year olds might read since it is near a school!

  13. I agree - sounds like a great book and since we like similar authors I'll have to give it a try. I am now the "Keeper" of my women's group little library and trying to learn what 5 to 13 year olds might read since it is near a school!

  14. This looks like my kind of book! I'm with you - I can buy books much faster than I can read them!

  15. That sounds like a fun book! I'll add it to my list so that when life slows down again I can look for it. Thank you, Terra!

  16. I think these little libraries are so cool!! Pieces Of Happiness sounds very good! I have not heard of any of these books. I used to read one book a day for many years. Now the computer takes most of my time!

  17. Hi Terra~

    I love the idea of a little free library! Just the other day, we were driving through my daughter's neighborhood and I saw a lady looking through the books in one. It's such a great idea to not only get to read some wonderful books free, but to also get to know your neighbors!


  18. Love the sound of the book--I mean, it's got chocolate in it--and that Little Free Library, too. :)

  19. Love, love, love the free library! It just makes you smile doesn't it? Pieces of Happiness sounds like a book I would enjoy. Like you my Kindle is filled with books I have yet to read. Sounds like this is another one to add to my list. :) Blessings!

  20. Love the idea of your Little Free Libraries. I have a few books waiting to be read on my Kindle too:)

  21. I love the Little Free Library. Have never seen anything like that around here. Wish I could read read read like you do. I've been trying to finish the same book for months now. I can't enjoy reading for thinking of everything else I want to do. :)

  22. That would be quite a change from a cold climate to Fiji. How nice to have the Little Library in walking distance. I was so excited to go to the Library on Wheels in our small town when I was a child. Thank you for your comment on my post.
