Friday, September 28, 2018

Nice surprises in September

I had some nice surprises and also joined a new group in September. One nice surprise occurred as I was standing in line to buy two tickets to a local Follies show when a lady walked up and handed me two free tickets. How cool is that! I have attended the yearly Follies song and dance show for five years or so and it was founded 50 years ago.
Two of my friends sing and dance in it so that makes it extra fun. The auditions and rehearsals are very thorough. The song and dance numbers included "Pretty Woman", "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes", "Don't Be Cruel", "What Now My Love", "Love Me Tender", "Inka Dinka", "I Gotta Be Me" and many more for a total of forty songs.
All that and we had free seats.
I went to a fund raiser tea on Saturday, Sept. 22 and it was very lively. Some of us, including me, wore hats and one lady looked like a regal Victorian lady in her hat and clothes. Here are some photos of the food tables. There were about 8 tables of food including the traditional cucumber sandwiches and scones and in the first table you can see the delicious home made lemon curd.

The above two photos show friendship and companionship. The fundraiser is for a group that takes home bound seniors out for afternoons of fun and lunch. It allows care givers to have 5 or 6 hours off from their work of caring.
The new group I joined is one for widows that just formed at our church and was created by two widows. We had our first meeting on Sunday which featured a delicious free lunch in the church coffee house and eleven ladies got to know each other a bit. The theme for the group will be that we need not do this life alone. Amen to that. The ages ranged from 60 to 85. I didn't know any of the gals beforehand so I pushed myself to go and am glad I did.
We are looking for a name for the group, do you have any ideas? I suggested "Wild wacky widows" and another gal suggested "Wild wonderful widows." We want to convey widows and upbeat fun times. Ideas for a name welcome.


  1. Nice things happening!!! Oh how delightful. Yes! Good for you.

    How about "Wise, Wonderful Widows"? :-))))

    Hope the nice things keep coming, at you!!!!!

    Autumn hugs,
    A 'Nana'

  2. Nothing like friendship and companionship. Two things that are essential in life. Nice to see you have those.

  3. I love these things that you did and the new places you are joining and enjoying. I don't have any ideas for a name, but love the "Wild Wonderful Widows" probably best, although "wacky" would fit me if I were a widow, I'm sure. I'm wacky now, so that will probably always be me..
    Love that you had a tea and that many wore hats. Wish you had taken a picture of that! I love the idea of younger women ministering to the older, to give caregivers a time out. That is a great idea. Thank you for sharing these ideas with us. I may have to share them with some others.

  4. It sounds a lovely group and I can imagine just how much you will help one another through a difficult few years. It is now eighteen months since my darling farmer died and I count amongst my dearest friends the group of widows. We lunch out together, we go places together, we telephone one another - huge support group and it makes life so much more bearable.

  5. Your follies show sounds like fun!
    I'm proud of you for joining that group. It's hard to go to new things when you don't know anyone, and I'm happy you were blessed by your time there. I wish I was witty enough to come up with a name. :)

  6. The follies show sounds like a lot of fun. They used to have that in the town that I grew up in. It had been going on for almost 65 years and I think they still have it yearly. I’m so glad you found a group to join. It sounds as if it will be a lot of fun for you and the other ladies. Blessings, Betsy

  7. Sounds like some lovely blessings in the month of September. The show sounds absolutely wonderful and fun. I'm glad you found a lovely group at church. I'm sorry I'm not so good with coming up with fabulous names but I'm sure you will come up with one that is just right.

  8. That is a wonderful ministry to the homebound ladies.

  9. Nice. Sounds like Wonder Widows to me.

  10. I had to look a second time to see if you really said, 8 tables of food! The fundraiser was for such a good cause. My mom was in an assisted living center for several months after she broke her hip and I learned how much things like a little trip out of there meant to here morale. I'm glad your first meeting of the group for Widows turned out fun and interesting. Friends make such a difference in life when you live alone, especially friends who have something in common. I hope you find a fun name for yourselves.

  11. Sometimes life just gives one happy episode after another. It balances out the times when all things go wrong.

  12. I'm so glad you joined a group of widows and also keep up with all the other good works and fun things. When I was young, there was an operetta called "Merry Widows" I don't remember who the composer was, but you can check that out on line. It's a cheerful name, I think. All the best and thanks for stopping by.

  13. I just checked it out myself. It was called The Merry Widow, so just one. Brings back some memories for me though. I think operettas turned into musicals in the 1960s because you never hear about them any more.

  14. I think you have a much better social life than I do. I'm so shy in new situation so I avoid them. The follies and party sounds so fun.

    For the name of your widows group, maybe something along the lines of Life After Widowhood? I think just forming a group is a start, and hopefully, you gals can plan some fun events, activities, and forge a good bond.

    Love to you, Terra,


  15. Sounds like a wonderful group to join, and you sound like such a nice person. I've never had the courage to join groups or do things like that. Good thing not everyone is like me.

  16. A couple of you commented that you avoid groups and doing new things, and I do adore staying home for many peaceful hours so I very much relate to you. Some things I avoid doing, like driving on the highway. Many of you probably do that fearlessly!

  17. You are a brave lady. it is hard to join groups alone. I joined my mini group and was so glad I did. It is fun to share the same likes. It is hard for me to get there now as the meetings are after dark and it is hard for me to see but I am trying to be brave to join something closer to home and during the daylite hours. hugs, lj

  18. Hello Terra, how good to see you having a good time, such joyful things! The first thing I thought of was Merry Widows. I know it was a play or something, but it was the first thing that popped in my mind. Whatever you ladies decide, enjoy eachother an what life has to offer.

  19. Your 'widows' sound like a fun bunch. Glad you picked up courage and joined them. And that tea party looks absolutely delicious.

  20. A Wink of Widows
    Windows on Widows
    Wise Widows
    Whitchey Widows
    The Widow Connection
    Focus On Widows

    Well, there's a few for you. Sounds like a great idea.

  21. your group seems to be great fun ! I like going out with my friends and am happy in my painting group.

  22. How fun your group sounds and so good that you went and had fun! The food and treats look so good! Let us know on what name you decide on your group!

  23. You are wonderful, strong ladies who (sadly) have lost your spouses but are continuing to build strong, good lives, so perhaps a name which reflects that, rather than your loss?

  24. ...keeping busy is what it's all about!

  25. That Follies show sounds absolutely fantastic! Right up my alley.

    Good for you for making yourself go out and meet with the other widows. It's an important first step for all of you, and I hope you have lots of fun together. Why give yourselves a name that dwells on being widows, though? Maybe something like New Beginnings or New Hope or something upbeat like that?

    By the way, it's very nice to meetcha. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. it was my pleasure to return the favor.

  26. Good for you that you have found a new group to socialize about WILEY WIDOWS....LIKE WILEY THE COYOTE IN THE ROADRUNNER CARTOONS. I used to crack up over those. Don't know if you are old enough to remember them but they were funny.


  27. I'm so glad you found a new group to belong to... I so appreciate you visiting me and your kind comment regarding my Momma's passing. Grief is a terrible thing and I will never be the same. I can't imagine losing my hubby...

    Bless you, friend. Thank you so much for stopping by. I actually hope to return to blogging soon...


  28. You have had a lot going on. I have never been to a real tea, but have wanted to! How wonderful about the nice lady who gave you the tickets! I hope she didn't have to leave because she felt ill. Giving caregivers a break is so important!! Your new church group is something that all churches could use!

  29. Your group sure had some good looking food. I like the name you suggested wild wacky widows lol
