Thursday, January 12, 2017

A Favorite Book, The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper

It is only a few days in to 2017 and I am sure The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper by Phaedra Patrick will be on my favorite novels of the year list. Arthur is lonely and depressed after the death of his wife when he discovers a gold charm bracelet of hers which he did not give her and had not seen before. He gains a new passion for life as he searches through the help of the charms to find out more about his wife’s early life, and begins with a phone number which leads him to a man in India. He has an encounter with a huge tiger roaming on a rundown British estate, and I laughed out loud at the comic danger Arthur was in. He makes friends far and wide on his quest, from his nearby neighbor Bernadette to a woman who owns a dress shop in Paris. This is very upbeat, fulfilling and hopeful, and a needed antidote to hard times  at my home.
I am joining Rose City Reader for her Book Beginnings on Fridays posts.
Here is the beginning of The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper:
"The Surprise in the Wardrobe." (Chapter one). Each day Arthur got out of bed at precisely 7:30 a.m. just as he did when his wife, Miriam, was alive. " Skipping ahead a few sentences, his kind neighbor brought him food, which he did not appreciate. The book continues "Last week he had found a sausage roll in his hallway, peeking out of its paper bag like a frightened animal."


  1. Sounds very interesting Terra. Hope that new pup is giving you much joy and many smiles.

  2. Oh! It sounds like a wonderful book for everyone but yes, an especially applicable book for you. I have always looked to books for problem solving, answers, solace and at times, to like-minded people and people going through the same experience in their life. The fact that it has a little comic relief will also be good for you. Books are such wonderful companions when we really don't want to deal with the outside world so much....which for me is just about every day! LOL! Read on!

  3. I'm glad you found a book to enjoy! I shall look for it at the bookstore.

    Hugs to you, my friend!

  4. This books sounds really interesting and quirky. I hope it brings a smile to your face and joy in your heart. Let God minister to you through times of laughter and sorrow. He will be with you in every circumstance. Continuing to pray for you each day.

  5. I've never read this book so I'll put it on my reading list. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself my friend. Hugs, Diane

  6. So happy to have you stop by my blog yesterday! It made me smile! The book sounds like a winner! Keep moving forward honey! We are all here to support you and your family! xo

  7. So happy to have you stop by my blog yesterday dear Terra! This book sounds like a winner! Keep moving forward! We are all here to support you! xo

  8. It sounds delightful! The second quote really helps set the tone.

  9. Hello dear Terra! I think your books sounds delightful. I'm going to mark it as "to read" for sure! Sending love your way!

  10. Just the fact that you could laugh out loud was comforting! Sounds like a good book indeed. We have a similar book that became film last year," A man called Ove". I think its nominated for one of the greater awards. He too lost his wife, his job and wants to join his wife as soon as possible but everything goes" wrong" .Hilarious and deep. I believe we sometimes are directed towards things and people that can make us whole again. I'll look that book up, Terra, but I doubt I'll find it in Sweden, perhaps in London when we go in august.

  11. I keep wanting to sit down and read a good book, Terra. This sounds delightful. How is Bounce getting along and settling in? I hope the new year is being kind to you, Terra.

    love, ~Sheri

  12. Now I want to know what happens! A tiger...India...???

  13. SOunds like a great book. It's now on my "never-ending" list of books to read! LOL!
